Darbā - At work

 0    20 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
Pusdienas es iešu ēst ārpus darba telpām.
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I'll go out for lunch.
Pēc brīža pievērsīšos klientam.
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I'll be with the client in a moment.
Piedodiet, ka liku Jums gaidīt!
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Sorry to keep you waiting.
Cikos sākās sapulce?
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What time does the meeting start?
Esmu pabeidzis šodienas darbu.
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I've finished my work for today.
Es drīz atgriezīšos.
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I'll be back in a minute.
Vai Jums vajadzīga palīdzība šajā projektā?
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Would you like a hand with that project?
arī: Do you need help with that project?
+13 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Noderīgas angļu valodas frāzes"
(Un totale di 515 schede)

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