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A system of working a particular number of hours each week or month but choosing when you start and finish. I work
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elastyczny czas pracy
core hours
Our employees core hours are between ten and four, when they have to ce in the office
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podstawowe godziny
statutory pay
With maternity leave, the first 12 weeks are fully paid and then you 27 weeks statutory paid which is less.
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ustawowe wynagrodzenie
an official rate
An official rate of pay according to the law
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oficjalna stawka
paternity leave
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Urlop ojcowski
unpaid leave
Last years I took six month unpaid leave to travel round the world. It was a great experience but I missed receiving a salary
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urlop bezpłatny
annual leave
The number of days off or holidays per year
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coroczny urlop wypoczynkowy
basic income
All your normal salary
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dochód podstawowy
meet the deadline
= finish on time. If we continue like this, we should meet the deadline without too much troubles
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zmieścić się w terminie
I think I'll ask if I can work overtime.
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Chyba zapytam, czy mogę wziąć nadgodziny.
fall behind schedule
= make slow progress. We are falling behind schedule, so we all need to work this weekend.
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zalegać z harmonogramem
finish ahead schedule
= finish before the planned date
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skończyć z wyprzedzeniem
catch up
= make up losy time. I'm sure we'll be able to catch up - there are three more months left
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be back on track
= return to the original schedule.
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wrócić na właściwe tory
exploit resources
= make use of people, money and time. It's always difficult to locate resources - skilled staff are in short supply
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wykorzystywać zasoby
stay on budget
= spend the right amount of money. It's difficult to stay within budget - we always overspend
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pozostać w budżecie
delegate task
= give people different responsibilities. You need to learn how to delegate tasks - you can't possibly do everything yourself
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przekazać zadanie
get on with a task
= do a job. What I like about my boss is she always let me get on with my work on my own.
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przystąp do zadania
get updates from her project team
= receives reports on progress. I need to get an update on how the project is progressing
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otrzymywać aktualizacje od swojego zespołu projektowego
avoid paying taxes
tax avoidance
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unikaj płacenia podatków
evade taxes
tax evasion
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unikać podatków
tax heaven
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raj podatkowy
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wpływać, oddziaływać
taxes affect people's behaviour
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podatki wpływają na zachowanie ludzi
low income families
Tax affect low income families
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Rodziny o niskich dochodach
Lower taxes drive the economy
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Niższe podatki napędzają gospodarkę
make ends meet
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związać koniec z końcem
I did some research on the internet
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Poszukałem informacji w internecie
I pay little money for it
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Płacę za to mało pieniędzy
Where is it held?
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Gdzie to się odbywa?
Who runs the workshop?
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Kto prowadzi warsztaty?
I had a serious discussion with
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Miałem poważną dyskusję z
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złożony, rozbudowany
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wszechstronny, kompleksowy
This is a complicated task.
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To skomplikowane zadanie.
annual increment
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przyrost roczny
gain experience
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zdobywać doświadczenie
climb the career ladder
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wspiąć się po drabinie kariery
retain good employees
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zatrzymać dobrych pracowników
The workload was heavier
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Obciążenie pracą było większe
I don't feel as rested as in previous year
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Nie czuję się tak wypoczęty jak w poprzednim roku
This time went by very fast
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Ten czas minął bardzo szybko
I travelled on business
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podróżowałem w interesach
Even if you lost a match
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Nawet jeśli przegrałeś mecz
The price of coffee is not related
The price of coffee doesn't depend on
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Cena kawy nie jest powiązana
Th government benefits from the inflation
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Rząd czerpie korzyści z inflacji

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