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Domanda English Risposta English
1. the possibility of harm or death to sb; 2. sth or sb that my harm you
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I am in danger
1. to ask for sth forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused; 2. to need sth such a time, effort, or a particular quality
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popyt, zapotrzebowanie, żądać, wymagać
the place where sb is going or where sth is being sent or taken
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Where do we have the destination?
to grow or change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form
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bezpośredni, kierować, zarządac
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1. to separate into parts or groups; 2. to share; 3. if sth divides 2 areas
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how many parts do you want to divide this cake?
to fall or allow sth to fall
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obowiązek, opłata celna, cło
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