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wpłynąć, oddziaływać
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affect, influence
your attitude affects how successful you are
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a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior
viewpoint, frame of mind
koralik, paciorek
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Beads of water collected outside the glass.
drop off liquid
listwa, półka, listwa
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slat, ledge, lath
zaparzyć herbatę, napar
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brew tea or coffee, brew
drażliwy, drażniący
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irritable, irritate
opóźniać się, włóczyć się, pozostawać w tyle
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to lag, straggle, fall behind
lag - opóźnienie
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When something is nutritious, it helps the body stay healthy
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subconscious, subliminal
Breathing is one of the subconscious things that the body does.
trening, ćwiczenia
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szybko przemieszczać się
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move or travel very quickly
The fly zooming about
nucić, podśpiewywać, bzykać, świergotać
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to hum, croon, buzz, twitter
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protein, carbohydrates
kruszyć się, okruch
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crumble, to crush, crumb
crumbled into a pile of rock and wood
pochylić się, zgiąć
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bend - bent - bent
bend fingers towards the palm - fist
gałąź, oddział, filia
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branch, subsidiary
spłukać, zarumienić
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face was flushed, to flush water
bryła gliny
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lump of clay
pojednanie / pogodzenie
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reconciliation / reconcile
to return to a friendly relationship
two friends reconciled
rozbić, zmiażdżyć, rozbić
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shatter, crush, smash
shattered glass
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a herring
przesiać mąkę
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sift flour
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a cod
lekka niedyspozycja, drobna zmiana
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slight indisposition, slight change
musujące, iskra, blask, posypują
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sparkling, spark, sparkle, sprinkle
nieświeży zapach, czerstwy chleb
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stale smell, stale bread
dry, hard and not good to eat
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To utter a word or a sound means to say it.
he could barely utter a single word
groźba, grozić
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threat, threaten
menace, imminence
strach, niepokój, lęk
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dread, disquiet, apprehension, anxiety
unrest, restlessness
zastosuj, załóż
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apply, put on
ukochana, kochanie
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beloved, sweetie
piec, spalanie
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furnace, combustion
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trwały, wytrzymały, odporny
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durable, hardy, resistant
posłuszeństwo, uległość
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obedience, submission
disobedience, obey
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foresee - foresaw - foreseen
błagać, błagać
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plead, beg
rozerwać, rozerwać, zakłócić
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rip, burst, disrupt
zeskrob, mocno pocieraj
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scrape, rub hard
surowy nauczyciel, ponury, srogi
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stern teacher, grim, severe
szew, naprawić, uszyć
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to stitch, mend, sew
gwałtowny, szybki, nagły
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vehement, rapid, sudden
showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
przywiązywać, zawiązywać
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bind - bound - bound
The victory bound Gwen’s team together.
ze względu na..., powód, cel
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sake, reason, purpose
for their children's sake
rosa, zroszona
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dew, dewy
grass was covered in dew
stado / stado
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flock / herd
birds, sheep, goats
nagły ruch
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flip, snap, stroke, whisk, jerk
a sudden sharp movement
śmigło, śmigło, napędzać
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propeller, prop, to propel
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lid, cover
krosno, wyłonić się
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loom, to loom
mighty clouds soon loomed in the distance
appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening
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a bowl
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kołysanie, huśtawka
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sway, swing, rock
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a frying pan
brodzić w wodzie
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wade in the water
codzienne zdarzenia
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daily occurrence
chwast, zielsko, badyl, chudzielec
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weed out - przesiać kandydatów
migać, mrugać
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blink your eyes
zadanie, posyłka, sprawunek
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a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, especially on someone else's behalf
he had several errands to do
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sprawiedliwie, uczciwie, słusznie
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justly, fairly, rightly
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a kettle
rozważać, zastanowić się
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ponder, reflect, wonder
think about (something) carefully
dwell, give thought to, muse on
trzasnąć drzwiami
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slam the door
klatka, klatka, klatka
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cage, coop, hutch
to cage - to confine in cage
dotknięty, zadać (cios)
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aflicted, inflict
He was afflicted by pain in his right arm.
to suffer mentally or physically. cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.
smakołyk, poczęstunek, leczyć, traktować
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treat, treatment
bezczynny, leniwy, próżnować
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idle, foolish, frivolous, inactive
idle workers, being idle
powiadom, zgłoś
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notify, report
acquaint with, apprise
zachować, utrzymać
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retain, keep, maintain, preserve
Even by the afternoon, the day had retained the morning’s freshness.
continue to have (something); keep possession of.
wypowiedzieć się, stwierdzić coś
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to state, describe
to state your opinion
żywy, żywy, energiczny
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vivid, lively, vigorous
vivid memories, vivid bright colours, lively person
zdradzić, zdradzić, ujawnić, oszukać
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betray, give away, disclose, deceive
treachery - zdrada
to betray his country, to reveal or disclose a secret
podmuch, wybuch
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thrown backward by the blast, a strong gust of wind or air
motorist blasted his horn
przestań, przestań
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cease, desist from
subside, terminate, abstain
bring or come to an end; pledged to desist from acts of sabotage
dusić, dławić
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choke, throttle, strangle
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Don’t lend money to someone if you distrust them!
podszewka, okładzina
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lining, facing
warm because it has a thick lining.
lining of fireproof insulation
obfitować w coś, powszechne
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rife with something, widespread
rife with disease
(especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common occurrence
podeszwa, jedyny; wyłączny
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sole; lone, exclusive
his lone purpose in life was to help people
pilny, naglący
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zamiatać podłogę; zmieciony
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sweep the floor; swept
wkładać, podwijać
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tuck; a flattened, stitched fold
push, fold, or turn (the edges or ends of something, especially a garment or bedclothes) so as to hide them or hold them in place
starannie, ostrożnie, porządnie
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neatly, carefully
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to blame
blame me
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lately, recently
chór działa od 5 lat
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the choir has been working for 5 years
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bait for fish
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The rough fabric in his shirt made the back of his neck itch.
odnoszą się do czegoś, są powiązane
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relate to something, associated
To relate to something means to have a connection with it.
awansować kogoś,
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to promote, advance or raise someone
further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage
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To condemn someone means to give them a specific punishment.
denounce, punish
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comfortable, warm, and relaxing
The thick blanket made the bed very cozy.
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to use up all of it, exhauste, expend
All the driving he was doing was depleting his car’s fuel supply.
uważaj, nieuważnie
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heed, heedless
To heed something means to obey or follow it
prześladować kogoś
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Dan felt persecuted because he was smaller than the other boys at school.
zmniejsz, zmniejsz
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lessen, reduce
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uderzyć, dotknięty
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to strike, stricken
(by a disease or problem), they are badly affected by it. wounded, afflicted
Mike was stricken with a horrible illness.
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przyczyny i skutki
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causes and effects
czynniki wpływające
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factors affecting
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o połowę / przepołowiony
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halve / halved
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wydanie poprawione
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revised edition
Zakres projektu
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project scope

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