czynności domowe

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Domanda Risposta
myje zęby
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I brush my teeth
skorzystac z toalety
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use the toilet
wziać prysznic/ kąpiel
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take a shower / bath
zrobić pranie
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do the laundry
zjeść śniadanie
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have breakfast
zrobić śniadanie / obiad
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make breakfast / dinner
wstawić wodę
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insert water
zrobić kawe
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make coffee
wyciągnąć mleko z lodówki
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take the milk out of the refrigerator
pokroić chleb
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cut the bread
wyciagnąć oliwe
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take out the oil
pokroić kiełbase
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cut the sausage
zrobić kanapki
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make sandwiches
ubrać się
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to get dressed
włączyć zmywarke
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turn on the dishwasher
włożyć naczynia do zmywarki
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put the dishes in the dishwasher
wyciągnąć naczycia ze zmywarki
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take the laundry out of the dishwasher
włączyć piekarnik
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turn on the oven
włączyć okap
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turn on the hood
umyć naczynia
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wash the dishes
wyciagnać rybe z zamrażarki
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take the fish out of the freezer
rozmrozić mieso
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defrost the meat
wyprasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
iść na zakupy
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to go shopping
jechać na zakupy
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go shopping
muszę iść do sklepu
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I have to go to shop
odsłonić zasłony
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unveil the curtains
zasłonić zasłony
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cover the curtains
obejrzeć ulubiony serial
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watch your favorite series
odkurzyć meble
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to dust the furniture
odkurzyć podłogę
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vacuum the floor
zetrzeć kurze z mebli
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wipe away dust from furniture
zaczać prace
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Start work
odpisać na maile
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write back to e-mails
wykonać analize
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perform the analysis
zadzwonić do klienta
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call the customer
iść na przerwe
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go on a break
naoliwić zawiasy
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oil the hinges
zamknąć drzwi na klucz
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to lock the door
sprawdzić czy drzwi są zamknięte
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check that the door is closed
rozwiesić pranie
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hang laundry
otworzyć okno
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open the window
zamknąć okno
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close the window
poczytać książke
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read a book
pouczyć się z fiszek
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learn from the flashcards
pójść na siłownie
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go to the gym
usiąść na kanapie
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sit on the couch

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