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przełomowy, prekursorski, nowatorski inizia ad imparare
groundbreaking, pioneering, innovative The new government uses a groundbreaking approach to help the poor.
nowatorski, oryginalny, nowy inizia ad imparare
He has such a creative mind. He's always coming up with novel ideas.
wybitny, czołowy, widoczny inizia ad imparare
Professor Adams is a prominent member of the university.
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high-powered job - praca o wysokim prestiżu
lepki, przyczepny (łatwo przyklejający się) inizia ad imparare
Reszta, jak mówią, to historia. inizia ad imparare
The rest, as they say, is history. silence
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She's great to travel with because she's so resourceful.
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I need to polish my presentation before the meeting.
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They have devised a cure for this illness.
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The new drug could be a breakthrough for people with heart disease.
wskaż i kliknij - obsługiwany myszką inizia ad imparare
point-and-click technology
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three cheers for somebody!
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The doctor didn't detect any problems and said I'm in excellent health.
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napad rabunkowy, napad z bronią w ręku, zator inizia ad imparare
Come on, let's go. What's the hold-up?
prostak, naiwniak, głuptas inizia ad imparare
I spoke to him as if he were a child or a simpleton.
zmarnowany, stracony, pójść coś w błoto inizia ad imparare
That's a lot of time and money down the drain. Their dreams went down the drain when the market crashed.
zacząć od początku, zacząć obmyślać coś od początku (ze względu na wcześniejsze niepowodzenia) inizia ad imparare
go back to the drawing board Let's go back to the drawing board and try something else.
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foresight, prediction, forecast Valerie had the foresight to sell her stocks before the price dropped.
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Esther devotes all her time and energy to her three children.
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authorization, empowerment I don't have the empowerment to do that.
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His height gives him an edge on the basketball court.
przyjąć się, zyskać na popularności inizia ad imparare
It took a long time for recycling to catch on in the U.S.
zakwestionawać status quo inizia ad imparare
to challenge the status quo
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The revolutionary leaders sanctioned violence as a way to reach their objectives.
Piliśmy wino pochodzące z jagód. inizia ad imparare
We drank a wine derived from berries.
Leslie zwróciła się do swojej rodziny o wsparcie podczas rozwodu. inizia ad imparare
Leslie drew on her family for support during the divorce.
przepływ czegoś (np. pieniędzy) inizia ad imparare
flow of something (e.g. money) Glass will stop the flow of electricity.
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There's nothing inherently wrong with his ideas. She felt that the system was inherently unfair.
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put a lot of work into something I realize the team has put a lot of work into this proposal, but I'm afraid I can't give it my backing.
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We're already over budget.
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Max, I wanted to get your thoughts on those blueprint changes we proposed. an early plan or design that explains how something might be achieved
Nie mogę mówić za wszystkich, ale jak za siebie, inizia ad imparare
II can't speak for everyone, but as for myself,
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In a cubicle, you have very little communication between employees.
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zwracać się do kogoś/czegoś, odwoływac sie do kogoś/czegoś inizia ad imparare
They banned beer advertisements, because they might wrongly appeal to teenagers.
Dublin ma teraz bardzo międzynarodową pulę wysoko wykształconych profesjonalistów. inizia ad imparare
Dublin has a very international pool of highly educated professionals now.
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They might help you find insider vacation spots that you weren't even aware of.
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Here's a referral to a therapist who specializes in neurological issues.
adresować swoją ofertę do kogoś Obsługuje start-upy poszukujące inwestorów oraz doświadczonych profesjonalistów. inizia ad imparare
It caters to start-ups looking for investors and experienced professionals.
potoczyć się, ułożyć się, układać się inizia ad imparare
This was exactly how I wanted it to pan out.
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stanąć na nogi, pozbierać się, dojść do siebie inizia ad imparare
Fortunately, our company bounced back from the loss last year. He finally bounced back after the divorce.