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break down
zepsuć się
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stop working (about a machine, car)
break out
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if something dangerous or unpleasant break out, it suddenly starts
Carry on
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blow sth up
wysadzić coś w powietrze
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figure out
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To be able to understand something or to solve a problem
Give up
poddać się
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to stop trying to do something before you have finished, usually because it is too difficult
hand in
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to give something to sb
break into sth
włamać się
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to get into a building or a car using force, usually to steal something
bump into sb
wpaść na kogoś
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To meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them
Look after
opiekować się
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take care of
Look for sb/sth
poszukać kogoś
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swarch for
take after somebody
być podobnym do
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to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character
cut down on
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to do or use less of something
Fall out with sb
wypaść z kimś
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to argue with someone and stop being friendly with
look forward to sth/doing sth
czekać na coś
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to feel happy and excited about sth that is going to happen
question sth
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express doubt or uncertainly about sth
make up your mind
zmienić zdanie
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make a decision, decide
sports perfornance
wyniki sportowe
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how well someone does their job or their duties
complain about something
narzekać na coś
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say that something is wrong or not satisfactory
sb's attitude
czyjaś postawa
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approach, point of view
be able to do something
móc coś zrobić
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be capable of doing sth
blame sb
winić kogoś
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say it is sb's fault
spring up
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to start to exist suddenly
drop somebody for a match
wyłączyć kogoś z grupy
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To stop including someone in a group
be fed up with sth
mieć czegoś dość
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have enough of sth, be bored, annoyed
Grow up
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To gradually become an adult
Call off
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to decide that sth will not happen
see sb off
odprowadzić kogoś
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To go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say goodbye to them
switch/turn sth on/off
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To start or stop a device powered by eleotricity
Come across sth
natknąć się
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To find something by chance
die out
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to become less common and finally stop exiting, exrinot
go off
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if a light or a machine goes off, it stops working
go off
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if a bomb goes off, it explodes
go off
zepsuć się
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if food or drinks goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it's too old
go off
rozdzwonić się
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if a warning device goes off, it starts to ring loudly or make a loud noise
set off
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to start on a trip
split up
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end their relationship or marriage
take off
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leave the ground and begin to fly
take off
osiągnąć sukces
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to suddenly start to be successful or popular

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