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skakac do wody
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jump to water
wspinaczka górska
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ona jezdzi na koniu
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she rides a horse
on jest nurkiem
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he is a diver
zawsze w zime jezdze na lyzwach
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I always go skating in the winter
codziennie trenuje
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I train every day
jestem zmęczony
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I'm tired
ostatnio dużo zrobilem
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I've done a lot lately
zrob to
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do it
badz mezczyzna
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be a man
mam duzo przyjaciol
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I have a lot of friends
dzisiaj wziałem jedzenie do pracy
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I took food to work today
sprobowałem ostatnio tego hamburgera
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I tried this hamburger recently
wiedziałem że
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I knew that
myślałem ostatnio o...
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I've been thinking lately about...
czuje sie bardzo dobrze
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I feel very good
widze że jest ładna pogoda
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I see the weather is nice
jutro dam ci prezent
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I will give you a present tomorrow
przyniose ci tą ksiązke jutro
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I'll bring you this book tomorrow
połamałem noge
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I broke my leg
połozyłem to na szafce
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I put it on the cupboard
napisze do niego
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I will write to him
czy mowisz po angielsku
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do you speak English
powiedziałem coś
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I said something
spotkałem sie z...
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I met with
ucze sie inwestowac pieniadze
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I'm learning to invest money
czekam aż wyśla mi
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I'm waiting for him to send it to me
zapomniałem o tym
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I forgot about that
mam wielkie marzenia
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I have big dreams
zaplacilem za to za duzo
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I paid too much for it
udało mi sie to sprzedać
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I managed to sell it
uwielbiam podrozowac
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I love traveling
jestem zmeczony musze usiasc
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I'm tired, I have to sit down
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you have grown
wybrałem inną prace
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I chose another job
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to catch
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hang - hung - hung
potrzebuje tych pieniedzy
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I need this money
użyje tego do...
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will use this to...
nie moge sie doczekać
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I can not wait
czyściłem wczoraj stół
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I cleaned the table yesterday
zamknij drzwi
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close the door
ruszaj sie
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nie potrafię spiewac
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I can't sing
ciezko pracuje zeby kupic dom
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I work hard to buy a house

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