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cały czas
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all the time
cały dzień
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whole day
on czyta godzinami
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he reads for hours
w ciagu roku
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in a year
miesiąc roku
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month of the year
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potrzebuje minuty
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I need a minute
mam randke
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I have a date
do poniedzialku
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untill Monday
po raz drugi
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a second time
po raz pierwszy
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jeszcze trzydzieści sekund
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thirty more seconds
do jedenastu do czternastu
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from eleven to fourteen
sumom dwa i cztery jest sześć
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the sums of two and four is six
na jutro
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for tomorrow
para butów
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pair of shoes
łaczna ilość
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the total numbers
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per day
połowa książki
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half of the book
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