Crocheting Loose Ends

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Domanda Risposta
odpuścić (coś sobie)
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to let sth go
ponieważ / bo
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cause / because
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a co-founder
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a project
niewyjaśnione wątki / niewyjaśnione sprawy
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loose ends (usually plural)
There are still a few loose ends to tie up (a few things to finish). (NiV)
pozostawić coś po sobie
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to leave sth behind
We finish projects that people have left behind after they've died.
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a request
to get a request to do sth
być w trakcie tworzenia czegoś (np. na drutach / na szydełku)
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to be in the middle of sth (e.g. a craft)
wykonywany na ochotnika
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a volunteer (noun)
volunteer crafters
volunteer (adjective)
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a crafter
dokończyć projekt
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to complete the project
oddać coś
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to return sth
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an impact
an imotional impact
przytłaczający, nieprzeparty (np. uczucie, wrażenie)
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The emotional impact is overwhelming.
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a floodgate
wylewać łzy
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to open the floodgates
to sob
His display of kindness to her opened the floodgates again, and she began to sob loudly. (NiV)
namacalny / taki, którego można dotknąć
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to have something tangible from the person that you've lost
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It's comforting to know that you'll be there. (NiV)
comforting words (NiV)
wskrzeszać kogoś
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to bring sb back
przypominać komuś o czymś / kimś
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to remind sb of sth/sb
We can remind you of that loved one.
osoby, które kochamy / osoby nam najbliższe
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the loved ones
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to crochet

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