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ile mleka jest w lodówce
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how much milk is in the fridge
ile masz jabłek?
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how many apples have you got?
on ma kilka marchewek
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he has a few carrots
ona ma trochę ryżu
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she has a little rice
kawałek sera
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piece of cheese
szklanka mleka
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a glass of milk
butelka wody
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bottle of water
puszka kukurydzy
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a can of corn
filiżanka herbaty
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cup of tea
mam trocche/kilka bananów
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i have got a few/ some bananas
kupuje trochę mleka
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he buys a little milk
nie ma masła
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there isn’t any butter
w lodówce jest dużo sera
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in the fridge there is a lot of cheese
mam dużo słodyczy
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I have a lot of sweets
masz chleb?
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do you have any bread
tylko niewiele sera
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just a little cheese
ile pizzy
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how many pizzas
mam tylko kilka herbatników
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I only have a few biscuits
ile herbaty pijesz codziennie
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how much tea do you drink every day

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