Countable and uncountable nouns - 08.04

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I have a pencil
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mam ołówek
I have AN apple
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Mam jabłko
I have SOME new pens
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Mam KILKA nowych długopisów
I have a lot of new ideas.
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Mam wiele nowych pomysłów.
I don't have any animals
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nie mam żadnych zwierząt
I have many friends
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mam dużo przyjaciół
I don't have many books
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nie mam wielu książek
She doesn't have a lot of films
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Nie ma wielu filmów
Are there any oranges?
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Czy są tu pomarańcze?
Are there some bananas?
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Czy są jakieś banany?
Here's some tea
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Oto trochę herbaty
I have a lot of money
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mam dużo pieniędzy
I have much time
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Mam dużo czasu
I don't have any sugar
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Nie mam cukru
There isn't much water left
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Nie pozostało dużo wody
There isn't a lot of traffic
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Nie ma dużego ruchu
Is there any paper?
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Czy jest jakiś papier?
Do you want some water?
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Czy chcesz trochę wody?
to carry
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nosić / dźwigać
I live near to my boss
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mieszkam blisko mojego szefa
I'm tired
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jestem zmęczony
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I have nice neighbours
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mam miłych sąsiadów
road bike
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rower szosowy
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I have to be calm with my children
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Muszę być spokojna z moimi dziećmi
once a month
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raz w miesiącu
She is afraid of dogs
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Boi się psów
child -> children
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dziecko -> dzieci
mouse ->mice
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mysz -> myszy
tooth -> teeth
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ząb -> zęby
foot -> feet
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stopa -> stopy
sheep ->sheep
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owca -> owce
fish -> fish
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ryba -> ryby

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