corduroy mansions 2.3

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Domanda English Risposta English
. to think carefully about sth, or to say sth that you have been thinking about
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reflect on
he reflected on his good fortune to have such a friend as Marcia
chance or luck, and the effect that it has on your life
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he reflected on his good fortune
an imaginary line on the surface of the earth, for example showing where one country or area of land stops and another begins
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But she was just a friend, firmly on that side of the line.
a problem or difficulty that stops you from achieving something
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stambling block
The stumbling block, Marcia thought, was Eddie.
willing to consider new ideas or listen to someone else's opinions
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he would be more receptive to the idea of a relationship with a woman
to take sb's attention away from sth by making them look at or listen to sth else
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Having his son there distracted him
to make something less bad, good, strong etc
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take teh edge off
Having his son there distracted him and took the edge off his loneliness.
if a young person ______, he or she moves out of their parents' home in order to live independently
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flies the nest
it was surely time for him to fly the nest
to accidentally tell someone something that should have been kept secret
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let slip
Unfortunately, Marcia had once let slip her low opinion of Eddie
Pol. nieostrożnie, nierozważnie
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she incautiously describing him as a "waste of space".
Pol. niemądry
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It had been unwise – she knew that
annoying or difficult in a way that makes you feel worried, tired etc
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a rather trying reception
if you _____ your lips, you bring them together tightly into a small circle, especially to show disapproval or doubt:
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he had pursed his lips in anger.
someone who is part of your family is _______.
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your own flesh and blood
his own flesh and blood
to move somewhere quietly and secretly, esp. because you are afraid or ashamed
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slunk slunk
Eddie had turned round and slunk back into his room
an old man who is the father of Ophelia and Laertes in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. Hamlet accidentally kills _____ when _____ is hiding behind the "arras" (=a sort of thick curtain).
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a Polonius in retreat from behind the arras.
a movement away from the enemy after a defeat in battle
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a Polonius in retreat from behind the arras.
a _____ woman is fat and looks untidy
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that blowsy woman is after my dad
the whole of an amount or number of things, people etc
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the lot
if she gets him, then she gets the lot

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