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Contudo however
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apesar de although despite
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although despite
além de
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por outro lado on the other hand
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on the other hand
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sugerir suggest
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recomendar recommend
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arrepender regret
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Admitem admit
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coincidência coincidence
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Segue, seguinte, apos, depois following
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como sempre as usual
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as usual
a menos que unless
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enquanto as long as
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as long as
além beyond
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hoje em dia nowadays
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inicialmente at first
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at first
No geral overall
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em vez de instead of
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instead of
assim que as soon as
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as soon as
bem conhecido well known
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well known
ate agora so far
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so far
por isso that's why
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that's why
Mais recentes, ultimo latest
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ultimas noticias the latest
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the latest
resumidamente in short
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in short
bem conhecido well known
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well known
tambem. as well also too
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as well also too
enquanto isso meanwhile
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de vez em quando once in a while
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once in a while
maioria. majority
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minoria. minority
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esclarecer. clarify
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exceto / mas. but
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conhecimento. knowledge
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fazer bem, se sair bem. to do well
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to do well
fazer mal, se sair mal. to do badly
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to do badly
longe, fora, distante, embora
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então, assim. then, so
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then, so
eles. them
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tudo. all, everything
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all, everything
todo. whole entire
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whole entire
mas no final de frase. though
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cerca de. em relação a. about regarding
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about regarding
ate agora. so far
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so far
agora mesmo. right away
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right away
de agora em diante. from now on
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from now on
tambem also as well too
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also as well too
como. as how like
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as how like
cada. each every
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each every
dificil. difficult hard tough tricky
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difficult hard tough tricky
talvez. maybe might perhaps
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maybe might perhaps
apenas no caso de. just in case
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just in case
de tempos em tempos. from time to time
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from time to time
do nada. out of the blue
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out of the blue
all of a sudden
a propósito. by the way
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by the way
Confira. check it out
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check it out
aqui está. here you go
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here you go
ai está. there you go
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there you go
tanto tempo. so long
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so long
o dia inteiro. all day long
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all day long
dia sim dia nao every other day
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every other day
maioria. majority
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minoria. minority
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as últimas notícias. the latest news
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the latest news
Então, assim. so, then
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so, then
inferior. bottom
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superior. top
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acima. above
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abaixo. below
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problema. trouble issue problem
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trouble issue problem
ja, nunca, jamais, sempre, de todos os tempos. ever
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ate mesmo, inclusive, mesmo, alinhados, nivelados, regular, empatados, igual. even
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mesmo. same, even
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same, even
alguns. some
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bem aqui
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right here
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right there
consentimento. consent
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daqui a 10 anos. in 10 years time
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in 10 years time

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