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The plethora of data does not
Die riesige Datenfülle «geht nicht zulasten der Qualität».
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come at the expense of quality.
The plethora of data does not come at the expense of quality
It was not until the Second Aliyah (that)
Erst nach der Zweiten Aliyah wurde Tel Aviv gegründet.
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Tel Aviv was founded.
The first neighbourhoods of Tel Aviv were also built by members of the aliyah, although it was not until the Second Aliyah that Tel Aviv was officially founded.
Yet all the while he cast severe
Jedoch währendessen äusserte er ernste «Anschuldigungen von Plagiarismus gegen uns».
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imputations of plagiarism upon us.
In other directions he laid under tribute Herder and Lessing; yet all the while he cast severe imputations of plagiarism upon Hume and others.
Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium
The bacterium usually enters the body through the mouth by the ingestion of contaminated food or water, penetrates the intestinal wall, and multiplies in lymphoid tissue; it then enters the bloodstream and causes bacteremia.
Food and milk may be contaminated by a human carrier of the disease who is employed in handling and processing them; by flies; or by the use of polluted water for cleaning purposes.
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Salmonella (enterica serovar) Typhi.
Decades of indiscriminate antibiotic usage has driven the evolution of multidrug-resistant strains and more recently, extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains of Salmonella enteric serotype typhi.
Salmonella enterica serotype typhi exists as a gram-negative, rod-shaped, flagellated bacterium. It features a polysaccharide capsule which confers virulence to the bacterium by providing protection against phagocytosis.
It features a polysaccaride capsule
Es präsentiert eine Polysaccharidkapsel, «welche dem Bakterium Virulenz verleiht».
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confering virulence to the bacterium
It features a polysaccharide capsule which confers virulence to the bacterium by providing protection against phagocytosis
causing agent of egg-associated salmonellosis
There are more than 2500 serovars of S. enterica subsp. enterica
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Salmonella Enteritidis
Ovarian-transferred S. enteritidis can be controlled by thorough cooking of eggs.
Residents fought back with iron bars
Bewohner wehrten sich mit Eisenstangen, «abgerissen von einem Zaun».
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wrenched from a fance.
In the suburb of Ajami, an Arab mob stormed a two-storey hostel for newly arrived Jewish immigrants. Residents fought back with iron bars wrenched from a fence.
The dry bulk market may turn
Der Markt für feste Massenfracht könnte sich «ab 2003 zum besseren wenden».
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the corner come 2003.

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