collocation 14 - 17 vocabularies

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uninterrupted view
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nothing block the view
panoramic view
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view over a wide area
spectacular view
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very dramatic view
breathtaking scenery
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extremely striking and beautiful view
dominate the landscape
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can be seen from a long way away
sandy beach
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A beach is an area of sand or stones beside the sea
secluded beach
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a beach without many people
cobbled streets
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made of regular pattern stones
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attractive of being unusual and specially old fashion
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expensive in a negative sense
upmarket shops
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for people with expensive tastes
urban wasteland
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a city area which is empty and in a bad situation
no-go area
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a place where police and other authorities are afraid to go
very bad condition building
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run-down building
deprived areas
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area with not good condition for living
bumper to bumper traffic
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cars so close to each other going
incessant roar
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very load noise which never stops
shanty towns
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very poor houses made of discarded materials
swallow your pride
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do it even its embarrassing
lose your patience
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to lose your temper be angry
come to terms with
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accept something psychologically

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