chp. 9

 0    13 schede    jeanbaa30
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Domanda English Risposta English
mental illness diagnosed
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using the American Psychiatric Association DSM IV-TR-2000
mental disorder. number of people impacted
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1 in 5 people or 26% of population. 57.7 million ppl
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fear of obesity and ritual food practices. vomiting
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Progressive form of dementia that seriously disrupt activities of daily living Behavior and mood
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loss of contact with reality. severe disruptive and social functioning bizarre thoughts withdrawal from social interaction and hallucinations
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a very sad state of Mind
what share of population has mental health problems
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57.7 or 26%
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Built For The untreatable Chronic patients they couldn't afford them so ended up overcrowded
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taking your own life. 90% have a diagnosable depressive disorder or substance abuse.
treatment for mental illness
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psychosocial or pharmacological
what is the most common approach to treatment
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talk therapy on drugs
what is the most common therapy
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talk therapy
what is the main source of funds
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