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Domanda Risposta
jestem chora
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I'm sick
jest mi zimno
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I'm cold
jest mi gorąco
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I'm hot
jest mi niedobrze
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I feel sick
mam grype
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I have the flu
mam kaszel
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I have a cough
ból gardla
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sore throat
Mam katar
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I have a funny nose
ból głowy
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I have a headache
boli mnie ucho
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I have earache
boli mnie ząb
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I have toothache
boli mnie brzuch
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I have stomachache
boli mnie noga
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my leg hurts
boli mnie stopa
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my foot hurts
mam temperaturę
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I have a temperature
mam gorącz
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I have a fever
bolą mnie mięśnie
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I have musclesache
potrzebuje lekarstwa
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I need medicine
potrzebuje środka przeciwbólowego
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I need a paim killer
potrzebuje antybiotyk
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I need an antibiotic

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