Chinese idioms 1 - 50

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喜: for 喜悦, "happy"/ 上: "on", "up"/ 眉: from 眉眼, "eyebrow"/梢: "tip"
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to look very happy
It lit. means "the happiness comes out from the tip of the eyebrows". It refers to when someone is so happy that it is totally clear from his/ her face.
其实: "actually"/ 不: "not"/ 然: stands for 对, exact
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actually it is not
It lit. means "actually it is not right". It is used to say that something is actually not how people think it is, so it is used to make a contrast, and it simply means "actually this is not so".
功成: "success"/ 身: from 自身, "oneself"/ 退: "to step back"
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to retire after winning a merit
It lit. means "to step back after reaching a success". It refers to the moment when someone retires after receiving any kind of merit, good result.
目光: "eyesight"/ 短: "short"/ 浅: "shallow", "superficial"
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to be short-sighted
It lit. means "the eyesight (is) short and superficial". It indicates that someone is short-sighted.
固: from 顽固, "stubborn"/ 执: from 固执, "obstinate"/己: from 自己, "oneself"/见. from 意见, "opinion"
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to stubbornly persist in one's idea
It lit. means "to firmly insist in one's opinion". It indicates a person who stubbornly persist in one's opinion.
突: for 突然, "unexpectedly"/ 如: like if/ 起来: " appear", "to arise"
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to appear suddenly
It lit. menas "to arise abruptly".
画: "to draw"/ 龙: "dragon"/ 点: "dot"/ 睛: from 眼睛 "eye"
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to add the final touch
It lit. means "to paint a dragon and a dot in its eyes". It indicates the action of adding the final touch to something.
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