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water evaporates from the sea
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plants release water from tiny holes in their leafs
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as th vapour rises it cools and make liquid droplets forming clouds
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when the clouds get heavy they make rain
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some of the water from the rain soak back to the ground
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water that doesent soak gos back to the river
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less dence than a liquid but more then a vapour
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most dence at 4ndegreess
water vapour
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least dence bc the molecules are far away from eachother
cobalt chloride
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blue to pink
cooper sulfate
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white to blue
polar substances
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disolve in water while non polar dont
angle beetwen two hydrogens
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why does the water molecule has a bent shape
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because the lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom push the h atoms away
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a molecule that has two oposite chargees the electron are not shared equally
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mixture where one substancesis spread out evenly through out another substance but the parcicles of the first one cannot be seen by a naked eye
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liquid in gas
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gas in liquid
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liquid and liquid
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solid in liquid
tyndall effect
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tyndall effect
hard water
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contains a lot of magnessium and calcium
reasons of hard water
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when it pasees through all the rocks it picks up ca and mg
reasons of hard water 2
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rain water takes mg and ca from the soil
effects of hard water
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dry skin spots on the dishes soap less effective
factors affecting rate of dissolving
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temp movement surafce area
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max amount of a substance that can dissolve in a liquid at given temp
solubilithy for solids
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for solids solubility generally increases with temp
solubility for gases
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solubility increases with pressure and decreases for with temp
how to make more concentrared
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add more solute evaporate the solvent
how to make a more diluted
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add more solvent or remove some solute
water polutants
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metalic compounds sewage plastics
water proces first two
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screening sedimantation
water proces second tw
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filtration disinfection
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is when too many nutrients make the wather bad to live in

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