Checkig, understanding, clarifying and repeating

 0    13 schede    guest3629557
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Co przez to rozumiesz?
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What do you mean by that?
Czy mógłbyś wyjaśnić co masz na myśli?
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Could you explain what you mean
chcesz powiedzieć...?
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do you mean to say...?
Przykro mi, ale nie jestem z tobą
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I'm sorry but I'm not with you
Nie jestem pewien, czy wiem, co masz na myśli
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I'm not sure I know what you mean
Chyba nie rozumiem, o co ci chodzi
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I don't think I get your point
Wiesz co/masz na myśli?
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Do you know what/mean?
Jesteś ze mną?
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Are you with me?
Czy to jasne?
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Is that clear?
Pozwól mi to wyjaśnić...
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Let me explain that...
Innymi słowy...
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In other words...
Mowiac inaczej
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To put it another way
Co mam na myśli mówiąc to
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What I mean to say it

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