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a snail can retract its horns
a snail can retract its horns
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1. odwoływać, cofać (np. słowa) 2. wciągać, chować (np. pazury)
rack up
to accumulate (points)
Once I rack up 5000 points I get to the next level
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nazbierać, nabić, uzbierać, uzyskać (np. punkty w grze)
I was so tired that my voice faltered. The engine falters, I have to fix it. He never falters when he has to make a decision.
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1. słabnąć (np. o głosie) 2. jąkać się, dukać (w mowie), zacinać się (o silniku) 3. wahać się
pore over
to read or study (something) very carefully
You've been poring over these books for hours, you should have a rest.
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ślęczeć nad czymś, studiować coś uważnie (np. mapę)
square one
the point from which someone or something started
usually in the phrase back to (or at) square one
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punkt wyjścia
beat the odds
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pokonać wszelkie przeciwności losu
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a long deep cut or wound or to make a long deep cut or wound in; slash
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rozcięcie, rana
another name for a bloater
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Margin between 1st and 2nd place is only 14 points
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różnica, przewaga (np. punktów
Różnica między pierwszym a drugim miejscem to tylko 14 punktów
to make fine adjustments to (something) in order to obtain optimum performance
The racing car driver has a team of mechanics to fine-tune his car.
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dostroić, dostrajać (np. sprzęt, gospodarkę)
Kierowca wyścigowy ma zespół mechaników, którzy regulują jego samochód.
past the time specified, required, or preferred for arrival, occurrence, payment, etc
He forgot to return an overdue book from the library
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opóźniony, zaległy, przeterminowany (np. płatność, książka z biblioteki)
an imitation or reproduction of an original
They sold 30,000 copies in paperback.
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kopia, egzemplarz książki, gazety
Sprzedali 30 tysięcy egzemplarzy w miękkiej oprawie.
landscape picture
Landscape images align with the horizon
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zdjęcie horyzontalne
have a lot on a plate
to have something, usually a large amount of important work, to deal with
I know you have a lot on your plate right now.
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mieć dużo na głowie
brace for
to steady or prepare (oneself or something) as before an impact
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przygotować się na coś, przygotowywać się na coś
speaking or behaving in a way that makes intentions and beliefs clear:
She's very upfront about why she wants the job - she'd earn a lot more money.
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otwarty, szczery
1. take something out on somebody 2. vent one's spleen
to express angry feelings
I listened patiently while she vented her spleen.
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wyżyć się na kimś
happen or occur afterwards or as a result.
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wywiązać się, wywiązywać się (np. sprzeczka
not thorough or detailed
"the information they had was sketchy"
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fragmentaryczny (obraz czegoś)
arousing feelings of doubt or suspicion.
This business is fishy.
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śmierdzący, podejrzany, szemrany
To jest szemrany biznes.
to charge (a person) with crime, esp formally in writing; accuse
Trump was indicted on state charges in a March 2023 indictment in New York
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postawiony w stan oskarżenia
get to the bottom
We need to get to the bottom of this case
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Musimy dotrzeć do sedna tej sprawy
bottom dollar
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ostatni dolar

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