Chapter 2

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tankuje i konserwuje samolot
tankuje i konserwuje samolot
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keep the aircraft fuelled and maintained
koordynator ds. operacyjnych
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ramp agent
guides aircraft on and off the runway; uses orange wands to direct the aircraft
dyspozytor lotniczy
dba o bezpieczeństwo trasy
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flight dispatcher
make sure the flight route is safe
ładuje bagaże
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baggage handler
load baggage onto aircraft; has to be able to lift and carry heavy luggage
sprzedawca biletów
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ticket agent
are the first airline employees passengers encounter at the airport; they help passengers check in for their flights and arrange flights when needed
obsługa naziemna
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ground crew
help keep airlines running on the ground
osoba weryfikująca pasażerów w gate
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Gate agent
help passengers as they board the aircraft
osoba zarządzająca operacjami w gate
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station agent
help passengers as they board the aircraft
Agent obsługi pasażerów - customer service
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Passenger service agent
solve any customer service problems; help locate the passenger's lost suitcase
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