Cambridge do 07.2019

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Domanda English Risposta English
say goodbye to
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to accept that you will not have something any more or that you will not get it
in earnest
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If something begins to happen in earnest, it really starts to happen in a serious way.
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very interesting or exciting
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very good or very beautiful
entry level noun
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the lowest level of an organization, type of work, etc.
internship noun
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the time when someone is an intern
drag sth/sb across/along/over, etc
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to pull something or someone along the ground somewhere, usually with difficulty
small computer control)
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to move something somewhere on a computer screen using a mouse (
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a gentle knock or touch, or the noise made by knocking something gently
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to examine something very carefully
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useful for doing a lot of different things
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having many different skills
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able to be carried
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to help someone, often an actor, remember what they were going to say or do
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far away
at a glance
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If you see something at a glance, you see it very quickly or immediately.
glance at/around/towards, etc
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to look somewhere for a short time
glance at/over/through, etc
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to read something quickly
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to give someone a piece of information that is surprising or that was previously secret
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to allow something to be seen that was previously hidden
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to go in different directions
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to be different, or to develop in a different way
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to be different, or to develop in a different way
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to stop something happening for a short time
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to become less strong or extreme
before long
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look back
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to remember something in the past
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A sound, sight, or thought that makes your blood run cold frightens you very much
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to stop
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to ask God to help or protect someone or something, or to make it holy
Bless you!
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something you say when someone sneezes
bid sb farewell/goodbye/good night, etc
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to say goodbye, good night, etc
farewell noun
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an occasion when someone says goodbye
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making you laugh or smile
on cue
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If something happens on cue, it happens at exactly the right time.
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the probability that something will happen
small, round fruit) which is often used as a decoration at Christmas
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a plant with white berries (
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to make a word or phrase shorter
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a place where animals are killed for meat
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to make an existing opinion or idea stronger
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a small independent music company or film producer
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an opinion that something or someone is good or right
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moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way, or having a smooth, attractive shape
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behaving in a polite and pleasant way
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the crime of getting into a building illegally and stealing things
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the marks left on the ground by a person, animal, or vehicle
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to achieve what you are trying to achieve
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the area behind a house
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someone who may have committed a crime
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When an emotion grips you, you feel it very strongly.
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to keep someone's attention completely
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to hold something tightly
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Something unpleasant that is persistent continues for a long time or is difficult to get rid of.
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A persistent person continues to do something although other people do not want them to.
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a long, thin piece of metal or wood
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a competition with a series of games between many teams or players, with one winner at the end
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the probability that something will happen
be at odds with sb/sth
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to not agree with someone or something
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a set of beliefs, especially religious beliefs that influence your life
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in the game of chess, the smallest piece and the one that has the lowest value
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a signal that tells someone to start speaking or doing something when acting in a play, film, etc
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an action or event that is a sign that something should happen
retard verb
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to make something slower
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to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way
the rudiments of sth
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the most basic parts or principles of something
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something that someone often does, or something that often happens
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a strong, unpleasant feeling that you get when you think that something bad, dangerous, or frightening might happen
on the contrary
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used to show that the opposite of what has just been said is true
later (on)
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after some time
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to think that something is probably true
up to a point
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get to know verb
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to spend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about him, her, or it
queue (up) verb
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to stand in a row in order to wait for something
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a row of people waiting for something, one behind the other
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quickly and unexpectedly
at least
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used to say that someone should give a small amount of help although they do not intend to give a lot
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feeling extreme dislike or disapproval of something
once upon a time
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used at the beginning of a children's story to mean that something happened a long time ago
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having broken a law
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to damage something so badly that it does not exist or cannot be used
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a shout of approval or encouragement
the focus of sth
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the person or thing that is getting most attention in a situation or activity
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the special attention you give to something
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something that someone says to make people laugh, usually a short story with a funny ending
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light produced by a candle
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something that is likely to cause a particular result, especially a bad one
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an offer from someone to do something or go somewhere
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xpected or planned
due to sth
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because of something
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Something that is pleasing gives pleasure.
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probably true
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to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone
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to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them, or cause problems for them if they do not do what you want
in order to do/for sth to do sth
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with the purpose of achieving something
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the arrangement of a group of people or things in a list from first to last
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having or involving a lot of energy
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a green vegetable with a thick stem
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to put objects in a particular order or position
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to make the necessary plans and preparations for something to happen
curious adjective
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interested in learning about people or things around you
lose noun
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to suddenly become angry
in doubt noun
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If the future or success of someone or something is in doubt, it is unlikely to continue or to be successful
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based on good reasons or facts that are true
be up to preposition
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to be doing something, often something bad or illegal, usually secretly
magic bullet noun
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a quick and simple solution to a difficult problem
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to try to deal with a problem
endorse t
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o say publicly that you support a person or action
różnorodny adjective
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desensitize verb
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to cause someone to experience something, usually an emotion or a pain, less strongly than before
come into play
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If something comes into play, it starts to have a use or an effect in a particular situation, and if it is brought into play, it is given a use or an effect
blip noun
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a temporary change that does not have any special meaning
lineage noun
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the members of a person's family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her
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something that you say quietly so that not everyone can hear it, often something funny
supply chain noun
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the system of people and organizations that are involved in getting a product from the place where it is made to customers
fearful adjective
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frightened or worried about something
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very much
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something that people have said or done so much that it has become boring or has no real meaning
a compulsive eater/gambler/liar, etc
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someone who is unable to stop eating/lying, etc, despite knowing that they should stop
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A compulsive habit is something that you do a lot because you want to so much that you cannot control yourself.
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If a relationship, system, or feeling crumbles, it fails or ends.
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to break into small pieces, or to make something break into small pieces
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a container that you put flowers in
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a large plate used for serving food
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unpleasantly wet and sticky
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a type of person or thing
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Tender meat or vegetables are soft and easy to cut.
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kind and gentle
come/follow hard/hot on the heels of sth
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to happen very soon after something
top-down adjective
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used to refer to a situation in which decisions are made by a few people in authority rather than by the people who are affected by the decisions
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behaving in a good and moral way
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strong anger that you cannot control
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a yellow flower that usually grows in spring
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If you are wary of someone or something, you do not trust them completely.
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to often change something that you do
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to change
be in/get into the habit of doing sth
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to be used/get used to doing something regularly
wpaść w nałóg noun
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ulec nałogowi
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a set of letters, numbers, or symbols that are used to express a mathematical or scientific rule
so to speak
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used to explain that the words you are using do not have their usual meaning
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be associated with sth
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to be related to something or caused by something
pace yourself
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to be careful not to do something too quickly so that you do not get too tired to finish it
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often changing suddenly and not regular
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to try very hard to do something difficult
so far so good adverb
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used to say that an activity has gone well until now
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to grow or develop well
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not wanting to do something
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to read something quickly and enthusiastically
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to eat something quickly because you are very hungry
dead end
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a situation in which it is impossible to make progress
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to do or get something quickly because you only have a short amount of time
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difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
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to remove the cover from an object as part of an official ceremony
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An inhospitable place is not pleasant or easy to live in because it is too hot, cold, etc.
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to search for food or for useful things that have been thrown away
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to press and shape the mixture for making bread firmly and repeatedly with your hands
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the quality of being very large and special or beautiful
realize an ambition/dream/goal, etc
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to achieve something that you have wanted for a long time
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based on facts and not affected by someone's emotions or imagination
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to criticize someone or something, often unfairly
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rare or not available in large amounts
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a passage between the lines of seats or goods in a plane, church, supermarket, etc
at (long) last
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using a particular machine, system, or person to send or receive something
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going through or stopping at a place on the way to another place
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to describe someone or something in a particular way
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meat from a very young cow
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not worried and not having any responsibilities
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a list of the parents and other relatives of an animal
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someone's family history, or their education and experience
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to correct something or change it so that it is acceptable
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to happen after something, often as a result of it
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a herb that is added to food to give it flavour
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stupid and done without a good reason
bezmyślny adjective
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a small animal whose body is covered with sharp points
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a small animal with a big, fur tail that climbs trees and eats nuts
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a grey and white bird that lives near the sea
upside down
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turned so that the part that is usually at the top is now at the bottom
by accident
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without being intended
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to look at something with your eyes partly closed
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showing that someone is not thinking clearly or does not understand
flicker verb
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to shine with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak
floe noun
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a large area of ice floating in the sea
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the separation of a country, group, etc into several smaller parts
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If something that is frozen thaws, it becomes warmer and softer or changes to liquid, and if you thaw something that is frozen, you make it do this.
by all accounts
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as said by a lot of people
by all means
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something that you say when you are agreeing to let someone do something
by no means; not by any means
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not at all
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containing a lot of useful facts
sb could be forgiven for doing sth
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used to say that you can understand if someone might think, believe, or do something
forgive me
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used before you ask or say something that might seem rude
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difficult to accept, imagine, or understand
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a photograph of someone or something that is taken by standing very close to them
be bursting with confidence/joy, etc
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to be full of an emotion or quality
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with special permission not to have to do something or pay something
break free/loose
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to suddenly escape or become separate from something
break the silence
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to make a noise, speak, etc and end a period of silence
break a habit/routine, etc
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to stop doing something that you usually do
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embarrassing and not relaxed
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to cry in a noisy way
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Your lap is the top part of your legs when you are sitting down.
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to make clothes and other items using wool and a special needle with a hook at one end
equipment that produces light)
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oil used for heating and in lamps (
velvety adjective
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soft, like velvet
dispatch verb
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to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a particular purpose
sway verb
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to move slowly from side to side
go about sth
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to begin to do something or deal with something
turn a blind eye
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to ignore something that you know is wrong
(almost) burst a blood vessel
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to become very angry about something
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a long period when people living in a particular area do not have enough food, and many of them suffer and die
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very sure of what you think and not willing to change your opinion
compel sb to do sth
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to force someone to do something
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watching carefully and always ready to notice anything dangerous or illegal
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something that is used to move the air around so that it feels cooler, such as a machine or an object that you wave with your hand
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a small piece of soft material used to protect something or to make something more comfortable
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a serious accident in which nuclear fuel melts through its container and escapes into the environment
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a low, continuous sound
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If a liquid drips, it falls in drops or you make it fall in drops.
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a gentle knock or touch, or the noise made by knocking something gently
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to breathe quickly and loudly because it is hot or because you have been running, etc
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If a pig grunts, it makes short, low sounds.
be at stake
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If something is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost or damaged.
acknowledge verb
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to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something
superstitious adjective
beliefs based on old ideas about luck and magic rather than science or reason)
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based on or believing in superstitions (
indistinct adjective
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not clear
ołów noun
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pierwiastek chemiczny
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continuous change
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not damaged or destroyed
seal sth off
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to prevent people from entering an area or building, often because it is dangerous
muffled adjective
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Muffled sounds cannot be heard clearly.
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to move quickly through the air making a soft sound, or to make something do this
debris noun
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broken or torn pieces of something larger
serenity noun
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the quality of being peaceful and calm
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a cloth used to cover the body of a dead person
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to shine gently and seem to be moving slightly
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showing good judgment
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to enjoy something
under your own steam
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If you do something under your own steam, you do it without help
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a feeling or guess that something might be true, when there is no proof
oddball noun
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a person whose behaviour is unusual and strange
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a series of pipes that carry liquid or gas over a long distance

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