Café con diseño: el corazón

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to start by
Start by pouring about 15 centimeters of coffee
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comenzar por
Comienza por verter unos quince centímetros de café
to pour
Start by pouring about 15 centimeters of coffee
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Comienza por verter unos quince centímetros de café
a centimeter
Start by pouring about 15 centimeters of coffee
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el centímetro
Comienza por verter unos quince centímetros de café
right away; immediately
Make right away two circles like this
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Haz, enseguida, dos círculos de esta manera
make a circle
Make right away two circles like this
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hacer un círculo
Haz, enseguida, dos círculos de esta manera
this way; like this
Make right away two circles like this
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de esta manera
Haz, enseguida, dos círculos de esta manera
a spout
Put the spout closer to the coffee
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el pico
Pon el pico más cerca del café
in a zigzag
Pour very gently in a zigzag
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en zigzag
Vierte en zigzag muy suavemente
Lastly, raise the pourer at about 15 centimeters
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para finalizar
Para finalizar, eleva el vertedor a unos 15 centímetros
to raise
Lastly, raise the pourer at about 15 centimeters
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Para finalizar, eleva el vertedor a unos 15 centímetros
a pourer
Lastly, raise the pourer at about 15 centimeters
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el vertedor
Para finalizar, eleva el vertedor a unos 15 centímetros
in the middle
Move it through the zigzags
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en medio
Pásalo por en medio de los zigzag
to obtain; to get
If your movement is very strong, you'll obtain another motif
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Si tu movimiento es muy fuerte, obtendrás otro motivo
a motif
If your movement is very strong, you'll obtain another motif
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el motivo
Si tu movimiento es muy fuerte, obtendrás otro motivo

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