CAE kartkowka d;

 0    23 schede    juliandrezek
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Domanda English Risposta English
justifiably concerned
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concerned in a way for which there is a good reason
exposing to scrutiny
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vindicate someone's decision
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prove/approve someone's decision
part and parcel of life
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unavoidable/necessary feature of life
to be a doddle
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to be very easy, trivial
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having something in its area
raise relevant issues
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to make a point about important problems
airs complex issues
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brings as a topic into the debates
make for compelling viewing
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to be interesting to view
shed welcome light
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make something easier to understand (with appreciation)
inner-city schools
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schools in the middle of the city
lie beneath
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to be (lay, hide, etc.)
avoid pitfalls
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be careful about traps
to entice
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to prompt
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chore 'list'
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on its own
restore the confidence
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restore the faith in something/someone
to go-ahead
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to continue
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apparently oblivious
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most likely not concerned about
glimpses of something reassuring
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a piece of information helping to relax

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