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Companies can't expect the government to keep bailing them out. inizia ad imparare
poratować kogoś finansowo
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Swatch and resururrection arę common deception played by jedi inizia ad imparare
we should regards his as flawed inizia ad imparare
dwindling imperial forces inizia ad imparare
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this is preposterous inizia ad imparare
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capricious, unpredictable inizia ad imparare
pretentious, ostentatious inizia ad imparare
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Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society. inizia ad imparare
north mode is a beacon od conscious intentions inizia ad imparare
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collect gather reap assemble She garnered more evidence to support her theory inizia ad imparare
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The younger man expressed his condolences to the bereaved mother. inizia ad imparare
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"an impervious layer of basaltic clay" inizia ad imparare
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She liked to flaunt her wealth by wearing furs and jewelry. inizia ad imparare
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She was kept on a psychiatric ward for six days before being released inizia ad imparare
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He was the most feared warlord during the Liberian civil war. inizia ad imparare
"His attire will be haphazardly thrown together, but he'll still look good inizia ad imparare
Something badly needed to be done to purge the country of its weapons." inizia ad imparare
"I learned how to wield a sledgehammer" those that wield power must take the blame" inizia ad imparare
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dispatch the night troopers inizia ad imparare
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fear of being tied down inizia ad imparare
being sensitive to social graces inizia ad imparare
sidestep the mundane of life inizia ad imparare
ominąć przyziemność życia
putto g top much faith on an overarching reason inizia ad imparare
incorporating structures might alleviate inizia ad imparare
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express opinions in annoying way inizia ad imparare
rozprawiać perorować o czymś
the doctor said my nim is on the mend inizia ad imparare
The Italian champion was in second position when he came to grief on the third lap. inizia ad imparare
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We must bend over backwards to try and protect our only child. inizia ad imparare
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Truly intrepid travellers can take the Edge Walk, inizia ad imparare
display native artefacts and prevent them from being whisked away to Europe inizia ad imparare
What makes them so spellbinding is the intense power from the sheer volume of water inizia ad imparare
water cascading over the crestline inizia ad imparare
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junior leagues are also fast-paced, high-level and exhilarating, inizia ad imparare
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niewyobrażalny, niewiarygodny
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His comments were offensive and condescending to us. inizia ad imparare
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ukraść komuś wszystkie pieniądze
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zakorzeniona konkurencyjność
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Even more seriously, this is a play full of the most intricate, knotty, compacted language." inizia ad imparare
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"Have you heard anything as asinine as that before?" inizia ad imparare
The team has lost 56 games in a row and there are only 12 games in a season. Let that sink in. inizia ad imparare
pozwól, żeby coś do ciebie dotarło
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wygłupiać, kissing, cuddling
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I'm far too wimpy to go rock climbing weak. feeble. soft. frail inizia ad imparare
she tells me I'm fat and is always making derogatory remarks" inizia ad imparare
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długo oczekiwane załamanie
Nicks' husky, otherworldly voice was the perfect complement. inizia ad imparare
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kończyć się rozczarowaniem/wygasać
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The meeting was fraught with tension, as everyone had differing opinions on the project. inizia ad imparare
The waiter was chastised for forgetting the customer's order. inizia ad imparare
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The actor received numerous accolades for his powerful performance." inizia ad imparare
The meeting concluded with acrimonious exchanges, leaving everyone feeling uneasy." inizia ad imparare
"he found it difficult to cope with the adulation of the fans" inizia ad imparare
They share a friendship forged through adversity Więcej przykładów inizia ad imparare
I asked her various simple questions pertaining to her trade. I inizia ad imparare
The prime minister’s offer of strong and stable leadership is alluring. people for whom gold holds no allure" inizia ad imparare
She wanted to ameliorate the situation inizia ad imparare
"the hostility of the crowd towards the prisoner was very great" inizia ad imparare
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"let me propose a toast on this auspicious occasion inizia ad imparare
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aksjomat, prawda uniwersalna
"he was in a belligerent mood" inizia ad imparare
The burgeoning population made it necessary to provide more classrooms. inizia ad imparare
He found a way to circumvent the law. inizia ad imparare
commiserate with somebody I commiserate with him for having to sit here and listen to yet another speech. inizia ad imparare
"the government made a conciliatory gesture in order to advance the peace talks" Więcej przykładów inizia ad imparare
credulous, gullible, ingenuous, he eyed her with wide, ingenuous eyes" Some people are so credulous that they would believe anything inizia ad imparare
łatwowierny, łatwowierny, naiwny,
The mayor gave a cursory glance at the report. inizia ad imparare
"he scored with a deft header" inizia ad imparare
She sat with her hands folded demurely in her lap. inizia ad imparare
The weak local leaders were derided as puppets inizia ad imparare
his lip curled in disdain inizia ad imparare
I'm very dubious about letting them to go on their own" inizia ad imparare
ebulient, enthusiastic, lively, cheerful she sounded ebullient and happy" inizia ad imparare
pełen zapału, entuzjazmu, ożywiony, wesoły
emulate the past generations inizia ad imparare
naśladować poprzednie pokolenia
The rain has enervated the rock wall for so many years that it's now just a few pebbles inizia ad imparare
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. To 99.9999% of people out there, the earth's shape is an irrefutable fact inizia ad imparare
Despite his languid manner, he is actually incredibly industrious. inizia ad imparare
I am loath to lend him money "I saw the glint of dark, malevolent eyes in the darkness" inizia ad imparare
wrogie, nienawistne, niechetne
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I raised my hands to mollify him, realising too late that he was in the wrong mood. inizia ad imparare
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ponury, zasmucony, ponury
nefarious, wicked, shameful The family kept their shameful secret for years. The most nefarious cults sometimes are the ones hidden in plain sight. inizia ad imparare
niegodziwy, podły, haniebny
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He was oblivious to the fact he had made history. inizia ad imparare
"the burdensome responsibilities of professional life" First they had the onerous task of rearranging the furniture." inizia ad imparare
. The opulent mansions of San Diego are a two-hour drive west inizia ad imparare
According to his father, he was a paragon of virtue who didn't drink or smoke or take drugs. inizia ad imparare
school music lessons." "Let me start with an apology for the paucity of blogging lately."the food scarcity has been the result of the poor harvest" inizia ad imparare
penchant for example for relocating back and forth His penchant for practical jokes was well known. inizia ad imparare
zamiłowanie do przeprowadzki tam iz powrotem, sklonnosc
perfunctory, cursory, superficial I performed a few perfunctory twirls and made good my escape inizia ad imparare
pobieżny, pobieżny, powierzchowny
it has holes in the roof and a faint but pervasive smell of rotting wood inizia ad imparare
rozpowszechniony, wszechobecny
The twins are then clothed, fed, and adorned to placate the spirit of the deceased. inizia ad imparare
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samotny facet, unikający innych ludzi
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reprehensible/blameworthy inizia ad imparare
He published an article that repudiates the study's claims. inizia ad imparare
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: She began to summarize the salient features/points of the proposal. inizia ad imparare
sanguine about the company's future inizia ad imparare
"it seems plausible that one of two things may happen "What he required of us was that we avoided specious or muddled argument." inizia ad imparare
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improwizowany, bez przygotowania
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School wasn’t always on the agenda, inizia ad imparare
Szkoła nie zawsze była w planach,
letting the days pass by in a haze of laughter and freedom. inizia ad imparare
pozwalając, aby dni mijały w atmosferze śmiechu i wolności.
fully grasp the political significance inizia ad imparare
w pełni zrozumieć znaczenie polityczne
"male chauvinism was rife in medicine inizia ad imparare