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nos w kształcie ptasiego dzioba inizia ad imparare
beak-shaped, beakish nose
skromny, ubogi, niewielki inizia ad imparare
The figrue's meagre shadow emphasises his isolation
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to be in the prime of the 30th century
być przy sobie, mieć troche ciałka inizia ad imparare
be with you, have some bodies
puszysta peruka? inizia ad imparare
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on the verge of caricature They set up camp on the verge of the desert.
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a tenth part of someone's produce or income that they give or pay as a tax to the Church
palić w piecu, buzować, podekscytowany inizia ad imparare
to add fuel to a large fire and move the fuel around with a stick so that it burns well and produces a lot of heat, to encourage bad ideas or feelings in a lot of people Once the fire had been stoked up, the room began to get warm, i am so stoked, He's been accused of stoking up racial hatred in the region.
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a bird with a large, brightly coloured beak that lives near the sea in northern parts of the world
nie wyginaj swojego kręgosłupa inizia ad imparare
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She asks too many questions, she's so intrusive. It's none of your business. Don't be intrusive.
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expensive and of high quality(of places and things), (of people and their voices) from a high social class He took her to some really posh restaurants where the waiter was hovered at the table trying to imitate a posh accent
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my career was peaking while you were still in diapers
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the character of the place or quality Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the ambience of a country town.
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pastry with sweet fillings
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latarnia morska, sygnał radiowy inizia ad imparare
pogrążać, zanurzać się, nur, stawać się mniejszym Niagara Falls plunges 165 feet inizia ad imparare
to (cause someone or something to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward, down, or into something, to become lower in value or level very suddenly and quickly The fall in demand caused stock prices to plunge, We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea
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to move slowly from side to side Recent developments have swayed the balance of power in the region, The trees were swaying in the wind, He picked up the baby and gently rocked her to sleep.
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to offer a particular amount of money for something that is for sale and compete against other people to buy it, especially at a public sale of goods or property, to give a greeting to someone, or to ask someone to do something I bid you all a very fond farewell, I made a bid of $150 for the painting
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to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted Faced with this scenario, you have two options: ditch the workout and go home
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DROWSY(sleepy, lethargic)
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przeddzień, wigilia, zmierzch inizia ad imparare
The whole family got together on the Christmas Eve. We went out on a date on the eve of my birthday
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budka, szopa, uronić, przelać inizia ad imparare
a large, simple building used for a particular purpose, to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair, or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident, GET RID OF a tool/storage shed, The trees shed their leaves in the fall. SHED THE BLOOD
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to control or limit something that is not wanted The government should act to curb tax evasion
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a place where a wild animal lives, often underground and hidden, or a place where a person hides
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All our efforts were for naught
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a small square piece of cloth or paper, used while you are eating to protect your clothes or to clean your mouth or fingers
pomagać komuś lub czemuś, wykorzystać inizia ad imparare
use, purpose, advantage, or profit My attempts to improve the situation were of little/no avail, Our efforts availed us nothing
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to be very angry, sometimes without expressing it I saw her a week after they'd had the argument and she was still fuming, poisonous fume
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to pay back or to reward someone or something How can I ever repay you for all your kindness? He had to sell his car to repay the bank loan.
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A note of discord has crept into relations between the two countries
wyczerpać cierpliwość, fizycznie inizia ad imparare
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pod warunkiem, że jest to... inizia ad imparare
provided it is the right amount of stimulus