Business Vocabulary på norsk

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in-depth technical knowledge
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inngående tekniske kunnskaper
a durable business idea
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en holdbar forretningside
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market opportunities
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customer benefit
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reaction to threats
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reaksjon på trusler
expansion to new markets
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ekspansjon på nye markeder
development of new products
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utvikling av nye produkter
in this phase
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i denne fasen
if everything has gone well
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hvis alt har gått bra
company can go public
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bedriften kan børsnoteres
convincing business idea
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en overbevisende forretningside
to convice
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å overbevise
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effective way
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en slagkraftig måte
What price are you going to set for your product?
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Hvilken pris skal du sette på produktet?
a lot of different people
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en mengde forskjellige personer
market is a merciless judge
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markedet er en ubarmhjertig dommer
It is also well understood that...
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Det er altså helt forstålig at...
in exceptional cases
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i unntakstifeller
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new sales method
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en ny salgsmetode
preparation of business plan
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utarbeiding av forretningsplanen
transfer ideas to practice
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å omsette sine ideer i praksis
comprehensible solutions
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ivareta helheten
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is reflected
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em milpæl
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å overbevise
to finance the development of the company
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å få finansiert oppbyggingen av bedriften
specialists in development of new businesses
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spesialister på oppbygging av nye bedrifter
experienced business leaders
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erfarne bedriftsledere
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en forventing
solution to a problem
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løsningen på et problem
a totally new product or service
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en helt ny vare eller tjeneste
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en oppfinnelse
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a big number
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et stort antall
application areas
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in connection with
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i forbindelse med
derive from
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å stemme fra
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value chain
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en verdikjede
can be regarded as
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kan betraktes som
in a traditional sense/understanding
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i tradisjonell forstand
which can be used in various industry areas
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som kan tas i bruk på mange forskjellige næringsområder
similar to/like
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i likhet med
similar to biotechnology
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i likhet med bioteknologi
commercialization process
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commercialization process is characterized by long-timing, interdisciplinarity, high capital intensive and high risk
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kommersialiseringsløpet er preget av langsiktighet, tverrfaglighet, høy kapitalintensitet og høy risiko
in relation to these elements
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i forhold til disse elementene
this requires collection and analysis of collected material
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dette krever innsamling og analyse av innsamlet materiale
with potential for further application/use
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med potensial for videre anvendelse
with respect to
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med hensyn til
Norway's long coastline gives big possibilities
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Norges lange kystlinje gir store muligheter
access to resources
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focus on marine bioprospecting
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en satsing på marin bioprospektering
good point of departure/beginning sth
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et godt utgangspunkt for
which can be used for medical or other purposes
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som kan utnyttes til medisinske og andre formål
it has been claimed that
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det er blitt hevdet at
in the future we will therefore most likely see a shift in focus to the mapping of biological material from northern waters
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i fremtiden vil vi derfor trolig se en dreining i fokus til kartlegging av biologisk materiale fra nordlige farvann
in addition there is an increasing interest in
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i tillegg er det også økende interesse for
tend to be
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å tendere å være
similar situation we find in several other countries including USA, England, Germany, France and Japan
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Tilsvarende bilde finner vi også i en rekke andre land, inkludert USA, Storbritannia, Tyskland, Frankrike og Japan.
prior to
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i forkant av
in connection with
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i tilknytning til
closer cooperation with Japan
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et tettere samarbeid med Japan
on one hand... on the other hand
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på den ene siden... på den annen side
an important part
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et viktig ledd
innovative and sustainable Norway
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et nyskapende og bærekraftig Norge
to big extent
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i større grad
he stated that
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han uttalt at
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increase employee's competence base
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å oppgradere ansattes kompetansegrunnlag
longlife learning
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livslang læring
on the basis of
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med grunnlag i

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