Business: Pytania / odpowiedzi cz. 1

 0    13 schede    zbigniewsmyk9
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How do you feel about that?
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Jak się z tym czujesz?
Could you please share your thoughts on that?
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Czy mógłbyś podzielić się swoimi przemyśleniami na ten temat?
What's your view on this?
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Jakie jest twoje zdanie na ten temat?
Tony, what's your feeling on this?
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Tony, co myślisz o tym?
What's your reaction on that, Bruce?
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Jaka jest twoja reakcja na to, Bruce?
Go ahead, Tom. What would you like to add?
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Śmiało, Tom. Co chciałbyś dodać?
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Let's move on to the topic of...
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Przejdźmy do tematu...
When do you think we will be to able to launch this product
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Jak myślisz, kiedy będziemy mogli uruchomić ten produkt?
I tend to feel that
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Czuję to
That means that if all goes well
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Oznacza to, że jeśli wszystko pójdzie dobrze
From my point of view...
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Z mojego punktu widzenia...
That sounds about right
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Brzmi dobrze

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