Business English with Gadiel vol.1

 0    15 schede    danielmartula
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Domanda English Risposta English
Learn the ropes
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Learn how to do things or learn how things work
That won’t cut it
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That will not be enough to do a task /Not good enough
The ball is in your court
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It’s your turn to make a decision or do something
Behind the scenes
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Done privately or secretly, rather than publicly
On the same page
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Understand each other and agree
Sleep on it
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Delay making a decision on something until the following day
Call it a day
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Decide to stop working or doing an activity
In a nutshell
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It's a long shot
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An attempt or guess with very small chance of succeeding or being accurate
To touch base
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Stay in contact
Kill two birds with one stone
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Solve two problems with one action or solution
Let’s table it
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Postpone something
In the same boat
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To be in the same bad or difficult situation
In the bag
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Move the needle
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To make a difference

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