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Domanda Risposta
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zmienić posciel
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change the sheets
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zająć się ogrodem
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do the gardening
robić zakupy spożywcze
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do the grocery shopping
zrobić pranie
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do the laundry
zajmowwac sie domem
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do the housework
odkurzyć meble
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dust the ferniture
Opróżnij zmywarkę
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empty the dishwasher
Opróżnij kosz
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empty the rubbish bin
pozbyc sie niepotrzebnych rzeczy
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have a clear-out
miec dobra reke do roślin
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have green fingers
odkurz dywan
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hoover the carpet
prasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
utrzymuj coś w nienagannym porządku
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keep sth neat and tidy
dokonać ulepszeń
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make improvements
scielic łóżko
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make the bed
umyj podłogę
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mop the floor
odnowic korytarz
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renovate a crridor
gumowe rękawiczki
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rubber gloves

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