bring in (to earn)

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przynieść (zysk)
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bring in (profit)
to bring someone/something from one place to another
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to bring someone / something from one place to another
meet people by accident or unexpectedly
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bump into
pomoc w noszeniu
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carry out
to refrain from doing something because of fear
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chicken out of sth
to remove things completely from place
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clear out
rozpadać się
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come apart
sprowadzać się do czegoś
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come down to something
pochodzić z pomysłem
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come up with an idea
when you talk to somene later bacause you are busy
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get back to
stop it
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cut it out!
to drop to the ground
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fall down
to give someone the details about something
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fill in
to become completely full
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fill up
to have a friendly relationship with someone
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get along with
to get revebge on someone
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get back at someone
to hand rhings out for free
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give away
to spend time with someone casually
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hang out
to check the meaning of something
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look up
to watch out of something
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look out!
take somekne on a date/ to tenive sonething from a pocket
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take out
odwracać się
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turn around
pojawiać się
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turn up
wypracować coś * dojsc do porozumienia
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work something out *
zmusić kogoś do czegoś
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forced somebody to something
postawić się w lepszej sytuacji
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put yourself in a better position
utrzymywanie przyjaźni
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keeping friendship
wyciągnąć z
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pull out of
przeciwstawiać się
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W zależności od sytuacji
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depending on the situation

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