Brave New World 4

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Pol. pasek transmisyjny
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slow interminable procession on the band.
to enroll as a member of a body and especially of a college or university
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Next to the Liners stood the Matriculators.
Pol. zręcznie, sprawnie
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deftly the peritoneal lining was slit
to foreordain; predetermine; another word for ‘predestine’
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And the bottles come in here to be predestinated in detail.'
Pol. zmierzch, półmrok
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They descended into a thickening twilight.
done, said, or made in jest; playful;
Pol. żartobliwy
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he said waggishly
deep red in colour;
Pol. szkarłatny, purpurowy
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And in effect the sultry darkness into which the students now followed him was visible and crimson,
The side of anything large can be referred to as its flank;
Pol. bok, skrzydło
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The bulging flanks of row
to produce or reflect a quick flash of light;
Pol. błyskać, zamigotać
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it glinted with innumerable rubies
Pol. widmo, mara, zjawa
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among the rubies moved the dim red spectres of men and women
any of various ulcerative skin diseases;
Pol. toczeń
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the dim red spectres of men and women with purple eyes and all the symptoms of lupus
a low continuous murmuring sound;
Pol. szum, buczenie
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The hum and rattle of machinery faintly stirred the air
Pol. terkot, trzaskanie, grzechotanie
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The rattle of machinery
a large bottle with a short narrow neck, often with small handles at the neck and encased in wickerwork – used for making wine.
Pol. gąsior, butla
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they were unloading demi-johns from a moving staircase
a substitute
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Made them taste the rich blood surrogate on which it fed
the mass of veins and tissue inside the womb of a pregnant woman or animal, which the unborn baby is attached to;
Pol. łożysko
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the centrifugal pump that kept the liquid moving over the placenta
a colorless, crystalline compound, the active hormone of the thyroid gland;
Pol. tyroksyna
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Explained why it had to be stimulated with thyroxin
Pol. pompa wirówkowa
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centrifugal pump
the centrifugal pump that kept the liquid moving over the placenta

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