thinking and doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong; inizia ad imparare
For particulars make for virtue and happiness
A _____ is a general statement that covers a range of things, rather than being concerned with specific instances; inizia ad imparare
generalities are intellectually necessary evils
a handsaw with a narrow, fine toothed blade in a U shaped frame, for cutting curved patterns in thin boards or metal plates; saw inizia ad imparare
t fret-sawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society.
If someone or something looks_____, they give you a feeling that they are likely to cause you harm or put you in danger; inizia ad imparare
he add smiling at them with a slightly menacing geniality,
cheerful, easy- going, and warm in manner or behaviour; inizia ad imparare
a slightly menacing geniality,
A _____ is a frame or shelf, usually with bars or hooks, that is used for holding things or for hanging things on; Pol. (for plates) suszarka, (in dishwasher) koszyk,(shelving) półka inizia ad imparare
r he showed them racks upon racks of numbered test-tubes.
An _____ is one of the eggs of a woman or female animal. sing/pl inizia ad imparare
'The week's supply of ova
the name for the two types of male and female cell that join together to make a new creature; inizia ad imparare
an uncastrated adult sheep; inizia ad imparare
Rams wrapped in thermogene beget no lambs
to move about or proceed hurriedly; inizia ad imparare
the pencils scurried illegibly across the pages
If someone _____ something, they remove it deliberately and completely; inizia ad imparare
e technique for preserving the excised ovary alive
A woman's _____ are the two organs in her body that produce eggs; inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
f optimum temperature and salinity
_____ is the quality that some liquids have of being thick and sticky; inizia ad imparare
f optimum temperature and viscosity;
a person or thing committed to someone's care; inizia ad imparare
he led his charges to the work tables
Something that is _____ has many small holes in it, which water and air can pass through; Pol. porowaty, nieszczelny inizia ad imparare
an object that holds something; container; inizia ad imparare
a small pointed lump that appears on a tree or plant and develops into a leaf or flower; something small or immature; inizia ad imparare
If things_____, they increase in number very quickly; Pol. rozmnożyć, mnożyć się inizia ad imparare
When the engine of a machine such as a car____, it is working and making a quiet, continuous, vibrating sound; inizia ad imparare
Machinery faintly purred.