brainy phrases

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i bought
oni byli
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they were
oni byli
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it was
one kosztują
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they cost
naprawdę to kochałem
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i really loved it
ich, ponieważ
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them because
ale pewnego dnia wola
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but one day wilhe
ono miało
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it had
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i decided to
w końcu
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in the end
Miałem to
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i've had it
ich za
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them for
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i have
miał trochę
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had some
nie miałem żadnych problemów
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haven't had any problems
skrzyżowane palce
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fingers crossed
piszemy, żeby narzekać
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we are writing to complain about
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czy to będzie dobre
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if this will be good
Zły dla
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bad for
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there will
Uważamy, że jest to poważny problem, ponieważ
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we think this is a serious problem because
z tych powodów, z którymi się nie zgadzamy
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for these reasons we don't agree with
zamiast tego chcielibyśmy
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instead we would like to
mamy nadzieję, że
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we hope that
również chcielibyśmy zasugerować
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we would also like to suggest

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