Bøying av verb 'to feel' present continuous conditional (type 2 conditional) - konjugasjon av svakt engelske verb

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Domanda English Risposta English
I [to feel]
1. person entall, present continuous, conditional
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I would be feeling
you [to feel]
2. person entall, present continuous, conditional
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you would be feeling
he [to feel]
3. person entall, present continuous, conditional
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he would be feeling
she [to feel]
3. person entall, present continuous, conditional
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she would be feeling
it [to feel]
3. person entall, present continuous, conditional
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it would be feeling
we [to feel]
1. person flertall, present continuous, conditional
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we would be feeling
you [to feel]
2. person flertall, present continuous, conditional
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you would be feeling
they [to feel]
3. person flertall, present continuous, conditional
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they would be feeling

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