Book Pronuntiation

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Estoy pensando en ir
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I'm thinking about going
Piensa en los demas por una vez
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Thinking about others for once.
Nunca piensas en las consecuencias?
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Don't you ever think about the consequences?
Me gustaria hacerte una pregunta, por favor.
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I would like to ask you a question, please.
Empezare por hacerte una pregunta dificil
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I will start by asking you a difficult question.
Explicame esto.
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Explain this to me.
Nos puedes explicar como hacerlo.
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Can you explain to us how to do it?
No te lo puedo explicar
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I can't explain it to you.
Llegue a Espana la semana pasada.
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I arrived in Spain last week.
Llegamos a la cifra de 5000 sin problemas.
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We arrived at the figure of 5000 without any problems.
El jefe quiere que todo el mundo asista.
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The boss wants everyone to attend.
Cuanta gente asistio a la conferencia.
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How many people attended the conference?
Le vi un poco triste ayer
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He seemed a bit sad yesterday.
Te veo cansado hoy.
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You look tired today.
En esa tienda no me gusta nada.
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I don't like anything in that shop.
No ire a ningun sitio sin ti.
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I won't go anywhere without you.
Te llamare manana.
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I will call you tomorrow.
Le llamaste anoche, verdad?
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You called him yesterday, didn't you?
No deberias usar eso sin pedir permiso.
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You shouldn't use that without asking.
Salimos del restaurante sin pagar.
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We left the restaurant without paying.
Crei que no importaba
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I don't think it mattered.
Creo que a ella no le gusto.
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I don’t thing She liked it.
Creo que no lo he leido.
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I don't thing I have read it.
Son amigos nuestros.
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They are friends of ours.
El es amigo mio.
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He is a friend of mine.
Son amigos tuyos?
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Are they friends of yours.
Depende del tiempo.
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It depends on the weather.
Todo depende de la disponibilidad de vuelos.
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Everything depends on flight availability.
La fiesta fue muy diverdida.
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The party was a lot of fun.
La conferencia no fue muy divertida.
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The conference wasn't much fun.
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Ask them.
Le has preguntado ya?
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Have you asked him yet?
Puedo preguntarte algo?
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Can I ask you something?
Eramos 4
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We were four of us.
Cuantos sois?
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How many of you are there?
Cuantos sereis?
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How many of you will there be?
Cuantos seran?
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How many of them will there be?
Sabes conducir?
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Do you know how to drive.
Saben obtener los mejores resultados.
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They know how to get the best results.
Que es lo que mas te gusta hacer?
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What do you most enjoy doing?
Te gusta esquiar?
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Do you enjoy skiing?
Nunca me ha gustado hablar en publico.
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I have never enjoyed speaking in public.
Pensaba llamarte
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I was thinking of calling you.
Ella piensa comprar un piso.
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She is thinking of buying a flat.
Esta Malaga cerca de Sevilla?
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Is Malaga near Seville?
La estacion esta cerca del parque
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The station is near the park.
Le cuesta concentrarse cuando todo el mundo esta hablando
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He finds it difficult to concentrate when everydoy is talking.
Me parece raro que nadie llamara
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I find it strange that nobody called.
Ella siempre olvida los deberes en casa
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She always leaves her homework at home.
No te olvides las entradas
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Don't forget the tickets.
Sera la primera vez que viaje en barco
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It will be the first time I have travelled by boat.
Esa era la cuarta vez que intent'o contactar con ella.
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That was the fourth time he had tried to contact her.
Deja que pague la cuenta que quiero pagar la cena.
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Let me to pay the bill as I want to pay for dinner.
Todos los meses pago la casa pagando la hipoteca.
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Every months I pay for the house by paying the mortgage
Quieres que te haga una foto?
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Do you want me to take a photo of you?
Nos hace una foto por favor
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Can you please take a foto of us?
Cuando fue a Galicia comio marisco todo el mes.
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When he went to Galicia he ate sellfish all month.
Estuvimos todo el mes buscando un sitio para alquilar
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We were looking for a place to rent all month.
Estare en Roma los proximos dias
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I will be in Roma for the next few days.
No he leido ningun libro en los ultimos meses.
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I haven't read any books in the last few months.
Preparare el contrato y despues lo mandare por fax a la oficina de Londres
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I will draw up the contract and then I'll fax it to the London office.
Primero habl'o con ella y despues me vino a ver a mi
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First he spoke to her and then he came to see me.
Su marido le dio un billete de veinte euros para pagar al taxista.
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Her husband gave her a twenty-euro note to pay the taxi driver.
Se apunto a un curso de dos semanas.
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He signed up for a two-week course.
Mi coche que tiene 13 anos se rompio ayer.
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My thirteen-year-old car broken down yesterday.
Tengo un hijo de 10 anos.
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I have a ten-year-old son.
Mi hermano tiene una hija de 4 anos.
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My brother has a five-year-old daughter.
Se fue a Dubai a trabajar y gano una importante cantidad de dinero.
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He moved to Dubai to work and earned a significant sum of money.
Mucha gente piensa que fumar es un problema importante.
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A lot of people think smoking is a serious problem.
Sally fue quien menos dinero se gasto cuando se fue de viaje
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Sally spent the least money when she went away.
Finalmente compraron el coche mas pequeno pero tambien
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They eventually bought the smallest car but also the least
El estara en la oficina diez minutos mas
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He will be in the office ten more minutes.
Puedes traer dos servilletas?
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Can you please bring two more napkins?
Cuantas paradas quedan? Dos paradas mas y habremos llegado.
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How many more stop? Two more stops and we’ll be there.
No firmaron el contrato, ya que solo tres de las diz personas
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They didn’t sign the contract, so only three out of ten.
Su jefe nunca le ha dicho nada.
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His boss has never said anything to him.
Tenia un agujero en mi bolsillo y casi pierdo la cartera.
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I had a hole in my pocket and I almost lost my wallet.
Tire el jarron y casi se rompe.
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I knocked the vase over and it almost broke.
Tardaron una hora y media en escribir el informe.
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It took them one and a half hours to write the report.
Estuvimos en el avion durante una hora y media.
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We were on the plane for one and a half hours.
Como se llama la comida china en China?
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What do you call Chinese food in China?
Como se llama un conjunto de cachorros?
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What do you call a group of puppies?
A Annie le gusta mucho el chocolate.
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Annie likes chocolate a lot.
A Dan le gusta mucho hacer fotos de edificios.
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Dan likes to take photographs of buildings a lot.
Mi madre actua como si no le importara.
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My mather acts like she didn't care.
El se comporta como si tuviera tres anos.
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He behaves like he were three years old.
Le echare un vistazo al contrato durante los proximos dias.
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I will have a look at the contract over the next few days.
Ella no ha dormido mucho en los ultimos dias.
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She hasn't slept much over the past few days.
Peter estara trabajando desde casa durante los proximos dias.
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Peter will be working from home over the next few days.
No se lo que haria si no tuviera ordenador.
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I don’t know what I'd do if I didn’t have a computer.
Tengo coche, pero aun no tengo el carnet de conducir.
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I have a car, but I haven't got my driving license yet.
Me conformo con el 20% de las ganancias.
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I'm happy with 20% of the profits.
Queremos comprar el 50% de la empresa.
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We want to buy 50% of the company.
Toda la clase aprobo el examen.
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The whole class passed the exam.
Se toda la historia de memoria.
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I know the whole story by heart.
Hay un millon de cosas que hacer
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There's a million things to do.
Puedes ir a un millon de sitios.
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You can go to a million places.
Quien es el responsable de este lio?
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Who's responsible for this mess?
Mas vale que digas quien es el responsible
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You'd better say who's responsible.
Volveremos a vernos en un futuro proximo
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We'll meet again in the near future.
Hay que acabarlo en un futuro proximo
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It need's to be finished the near future.

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