BON 51 10.10

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Domanda Risposta
draw up a document
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sporządzić dokument
draw up a report
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sporządzić raport
draw - drew – drawn
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remis - remis - remis
entitled to sign a document on behalf of the company
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uprawniony do podpisania dokumentu w imieniu firmy
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to consent
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to agree, to approve
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approval, agreement
to clear
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to settle, uregulować, “wyczyścić”
I have concerns.
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Mam obawy.
I’m concerned.
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Obawiam się. Jestem zaniepokojona/y.
take into account
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wziąć pod uwagę
awkward silence
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niezręczna cisza
I got cut off. / I was cutting out.
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Rozłączyło mnie. (dosł. odcięło mnie)
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sufficient – insufficient
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wystarczajacy – niewystarczajacy
Do you have any comments on that?
Czy masz jakies uwagi na ten temat?
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Czy masz jakieś uwagi na ten temat?
notice period
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okres wypowiedzenia
send out
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