Blue book of wonders

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Lisa can’t walk and her leg is in plaster.
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Lisa nie może chodzić, a jej noga jest w gipsie.
go up
The bus fare has gone up.
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iść w górę (np. ceny)
Stawka za podróż autobusem wzrosła.
shrink - shrank - shrunk
I washed my sweater, and now it’s too small for me. It has shrunk.
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skurczyć się
Uprałem sweter i teraz jest jest na mnie za mały. Skurczył się.
to take advice
I’ve been thinking about what you said and I’ve decided to take your advice.
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zasięgnąć porady
be on holiday
Is Paul on holiday this week?
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być na wakacjach
a tenant is someone who pays rent to live somewhere
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to leave sth out
When who/that/which is the object you can leave it out.
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zostawić coś
tak jak jest
rely on
Gary is somebody you can rely on.
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polegać na
get on with somebody
I share an office with my boss, with whom I get on really well.
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dogadywać się z kimś
hardly ever
You hardly ever call me. Why don’t you call me more often?
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prawie nigdy
drove off
A woman got info the car and drove off.
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turn round
Then I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round.
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odwrócić się
find out
I never found out who sent me the flowers.
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get on well with
How was the exam? How did you get on?
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poradzić sobie
to have a good relationship or deal successfully with a situation.
get by
My French isn't good, but it's enough to get by.
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jakoś sobie radzić (pomimo skromnych środków)
keep up with
You are walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.
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dotrzymywać kroku
throw away
I want to keep this box, so don't throw it away.
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speak up
I can't hear you very well. Can you speak up a little?
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mówić głośniej
get round
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rozchodzić się
beholden to sth
You're right. You're not guilty of your father's crimes, and I'm not beholden to my ancestors vows.
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zobowiązany do czegoś
at the very least
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figure of speech
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Figura retoryczna
If The Walkers get past the Wall and we're squabbling amongst ourselves, we are finished.
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Jeśli Biała Armia przejdzie przez mur, a my będziemy się sprzeczać pomiędzy sobą, jesteśmy zgubieni.
flee - fled - fled
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dziecięce łóżeczko
baby girl / baby boy
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I have been sold like a broodmare.
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Pledge your sword to the cause
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zobowiązać się, ślubować
I mean no offence
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Mam na myśli bez urazy
He said that Allende's government in Chile was overthrown by the army and the CIA in 1973.
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Powiedział, że rząd Allandego został obalony przez armię i CIA w 1973 roku.
to drop in
if you are in our part of town, you should drop in and say hello.
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wpaść do kogoś
drop out
Paul started doing a Spanish course, but he dropped out after a few weeks.
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wycofać się (zarzucić kurs)
nie withdraw
crossed out
Some of the names on the list had been crossed out.
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eat out
Lisa doesn’t like cooking, so she eats out a lot
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jadać na mieście
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check out of the hotel
After breakfast we checked out of the hotel and went to taxi to the airport
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wymeldować się z hotelu
send it to this address
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wyślij to na ten adres
get out of sth
Although I have meeting tomorow, I think I can get out of it so we can meet.
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wymiksować, wywinąć się z obietnicy
I thought the email was genuine, but it wasn’t. I was completely taken in by the email.
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Pomyślałem, że email był prawdziwy, ale nie był. Dałem się nabrać.
you must drop in and see us sometime.
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lights go out
Suddenly all the lights in the building went out.
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gasną światła
turn a light out
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zgaś światło
blow out
We don’t need the candle. You can blow it out.
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inaczej niż put out
good luck for the future
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powodzenia na przyszłość
carry out
An investigation into the accident will be carried out.
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wykonać, zastosować
w formie phrasal verb
give/hand out
At the end of the lecture, the speaker gave out information sheets to the audience.
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rozdawać / rozdawać
point out
I have written the wrong date on this form – thanks for pointing out.
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wskazywać, zwrócić uwagę
call off
The concert in the park had to be called off because of the weather.
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see somebody off
We went with Helen to station to see her off.
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odprowadzać kogoś
set off
We spent the whole day walking. We set off at 8 am and walked for 10 hours.
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put the music on
I wanted to relax so put on some music.
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włącz muzykę
put on weight
Tim is too thin. He needs to put on weight.
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przybrać na wadze
put kettle on
I wanted to make some tea, so I put the kettle on.
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wstawić czajnik
walk off/run off/drive off/ride off/go off
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odejść / uciec / odjechać / odjechać / odejść
take off
It was warm, so I took off my coat.
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zdjąć ubranie
put off
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
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not usually
We often leave out „for” (but not usually in negative sentences)
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zazwyczaj nie
Was Tom there when you arrived? Yes, but he left soon afterwards.
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następnie, potem
to grow
I’d like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables.
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