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Domanda English Risposta English
sit still
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not move
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ask for sth in a desperate way
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speak quietly
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laugh in a nervous, excited or silly way
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move your eyebrows together to show e. g anger
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pause before doing or saying sth
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confused or unceratin (zdumiony, oszołomiony)
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experience a setback
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napotkać problemy, komplikacje
older people can feel very intimidated by computers
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making you feel frightened or nervous (onieśmielony, zastraszony)
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no longer anxious or worried (odczuwający ulgę)
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confident about yourself (pewny siebie)
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calm and quiet
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not moving
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in an uneasy or embarassed way
be close to all the amenities
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be near the shops and other conveniences
put up with traffic jams
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deal with terrible traffic
be at the centre of everything
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be where everything is happening
enjoy the slower pace of life
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take pleasure in a relaxed lifestyle
be surrounded by
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have sth all around you
escape the run race
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get away from a competetive atmosphere
peace and quiet
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calm and silent atmosphere
sense of community
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feeling of connecting with your neighbours
a connection with nature
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feeling of being close to the natural world
out of place
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not suitable (nie na miejscu)
off the beaten track
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in a place where few people go
be up for
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to want to do sth
beyond belief
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too bad, good, difficult, etc to be real (nie do wiary)
beyond sb’s ability
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incredible (ponad czyjeś umiejętności)
hustle and bustle
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busy movement and noise
out of the way
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difficult to reach or arrive at
out of this world
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unbelievably marvellous

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