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prowadzi do
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leads to
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results in
Efforts to improve life for urban residents have resulted in some highly innovative schemes, such as pop-up green spaces
doprowadzić do
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contribute to
A variety of economic factors have contributed to the rapid growth of cities around the world
wpływ na
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impact on
Art at school has had a seriously negative impact on my life
z powodu
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result of
Rural populations have declined alarmingly as a result of the economic allure of cities
kłaść nacisk na
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to put pressure on
The severe weather has put a lot of pressure on the city's energy resources
rozwiazanie czegoś
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solution to
Rather than simply denying it exists, the government should be looking for solutions to the problem
mając na celu
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with the aim of
Cars have been banned with the aim of improving air quality

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