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dziecko, młode(zwierzęcia), rozpieszczać
Whose cubs are the sweetest?
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Baby lambs are the cutest.
zapakować, zdobywać, upolować
Did Messi bag anything in the last match?
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Messi bagged a hat trick in the last match.
zakaz, klątwa, zakazać/zakazany
Did she banned you?
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She put a ban on me.
barman, barmanka
Which is a bartender?
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A bartender is a man who serves drinks in a bar.
What the basket is for?
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basketball/ basket
You need to throw the ball into the basket to score a point.
być spłukanym, bez kasy
Can you lend me a some money?
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be broke
I can't lend you the money - I'm broke myself.
być jakoś nazywanym
Does he prefer to be called his first name?
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be called sth
He prefers to be called by his middle name.
ziarenko, grosz, puknąć w głowę
What did he want to bean you?
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He wanted to bean me with a bottle.
ścierpieć, ponieść, wytrzymać
Who have to bear the cost?
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I have to bear the costs of the repair myself.
wytrzymaj ze mną sekundę
Can you bear with me a second?
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bear with me a second
Yes, I can bear with you.
pokonywać, bić, rytm, bit, wyczerpany
Does he beat a cancer?
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Yes, he beat cancer.
mieć swoje miejsce, przynależeć
Who does this ring belong to?
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It belongs to my Grandma.
korzystny/ czerpać korzyść z
Do you benefit from her company?
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beneficial/benefit from
I benefit from her company, she is very smart.
obrodzić w jagody, jagody
How many berries he had?
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berry/ berries
He had a basket full of blueberries.
obok/ponadto, poza tym
Can you sit beside me?
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It's too late, besides, I'm sleepy.
Did he betray she?
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They got divorced because Tom had betrayed She.
rachunek, dziób, afisz
Czy ptaki mają rachunek?
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Instead of mouths, birds have bills.
krwawić, upuszczać (krew, pow. Z kaloryfera)
Can you bleed this pipe?
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Yes, I can bleed all radiator.
pobłogosławić, na zdrowie (+ you)
Did your parents bless you?
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Our parents blessed our relationship.
tablica, deska, pokład, komisja
Did you leave my shirt on the ironing board?
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I left your shirt on the ironing board.
obligacja, więź, łączenie, wiązanie, spoić
What kind of a bond is this?
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These atoms are close together thanks to the bond.
granica, lamówka, graniczyć
Can I cross the border?
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You cannot cross the border without a valid passport.
doł, dno, tyłek, zgłębić
Does she put the books on the bottom shelf.
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He wants to bottom the history of England.
gałąź, oddział, rozgałęziać się
The road branches, so which way should we go?
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You should choose the right branch.
swoją drogą, nawiasem mówiąc
By the way, what are you searching for?
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BTW, I must buy some shoes.
uderzyć, podskakiwać, guz, stuknięcie/ wpaść na kogoś lub coś
Are you hurt after this bump?
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bump/ bump into somebody
I have a nasty bump on my forehead.
Did the police catch the burglar?
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The police have caught the burglar.
biust (lub bosom), rozbić, rozwalić, zaaresztować
Get down from there before you bust your head?
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Did the police bust him?

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