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خرجت انا اليوم في الصباح
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I went out today in the morning
مع الساعه التاسعه صباحا
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With the nine o'clock in the morning
وذهبت الى العمل
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And I went to work
ودخلت الى العمل
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And I got to work
جاء عندي يوسف صديقي
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Yusuf my friend came to me
دخل هو عندي الى العمل
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He got to work
تكلمت معه قليلا
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I talked to him a little
قال لي
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He said to me
كيف حالك في هذا اليوم
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How are you doing on this day
وقلت له انا ايضا
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I also told him
كيف حالك في هذا الصباح
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How are you doing this morning
وجلس امامي
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He sat in front of me
اعطيته بعد الملابس
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I gave it after clothes
ليبيعها في السوق
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To sell it on the market
ربحت في هذا الصباح بعد المال
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I won this morning after the money

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