auxiliary verbs 5

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Domanda Risposta
to be/present simple/przeczenie/2 os. l. m./wy nie jesteście
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you are not/you aren't
to be/present simple/pytanie/1 os. l. m./czy my jesteśmy?
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are we?
l. p. you are not/you aren't
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nie jesteś
are we?
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on był ona była ono było
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he was she was it was
on nie był/ona nie byle/ono nie było
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he/she/it was not/wasn't
czy my byliśmy?
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were we?
l. p. you were
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ty byłeś
l. p. you were not / you weren't
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ty nie byłeś
was i?
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czy ja byłem?
wy robicie
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you do
on/ona/ono nie robi
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he / she / it does not/doesn't
czy robicie?
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do you?
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you did
oni nie robili/one nie robiły
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they did not/didn't
We do
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My robimy
does he / she / it?
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czy on/ona/ono robi?
we did
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l. m. did you?
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czy robiliście?
wy nie macie
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you do not/don't have
czy on miał?/Czy ona miała?/czy ono miało?
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did he have? / did she have? / did it have?
thg czy on/ona/ono ma?
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thg has he / she / it got?
they did not/didn't have
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oni nie mieli/one nie miały
3.10 16
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3.10 16

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