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The phrase is often used in contexts where there is a struggle, either internal or external, and someone decides to stop resisting or fighting against something I will not give in to your arguments inizia ad imparare
1 poddać się 2. ugiąć się, poddać się (np. argumentom) Nie poddam się twoim argumentom
To betray someone or something: This can mean revealing someone's plans or actions to others, often to their detriment The spy gave away classified information to the enemy inizia ad imparare
Szpieg przekazał wrogowi tajne informacje
To become exhausted or stop functioning: Here, "give out" refers to something, often a machine or a part of the body, that stops working because it’s worn out or exhausted. After hours of running, her legs finally gave out inizia ad imparare
rozdawać wyczerpać się (np. oszczędności, zapasy), zużyć Po wielu godzinach biegu jej nogi w końcu się poddały
In a mental state of focused concentration on the performance of an activity, in which one dissociates oneself from distracting or irrelevant aspects of one's environment Nadal and Djoko were playing tennis like in the zone. inizia ad imparare
być w transie (robić coś w pełnym skupieniu)
get up on the wrong side of the bed start the day in a bad mood, which continues all day long Did you get out of bed on the wrong side this morning? inizia ad imparare
put your best foot forward embark on an undertaking with as much effort and determination as possible. When I visited my girlfriend's parents I tried to be very polite and put my best foot forward. inizia ad imparare
bardzo się postarać, włożyć w coś dużo wysiłku
adapt oneself to adverse circumstances In the business world you quickly learn to roll with the punches inizia ad imparare
radzić sobie z trudnościami
to stop and smell the roses to take a moment to appreciate the beauty and joys of life, rather than rushing through it You are working to much! Stop and smell the roses inizia ad imparare
zatrzymać się i poczuć zapach róż
used to say that someone almost succeeded, but is not completely successful or correct It was close but no cigar for Johnny as he came second once again inizia ad imparare
blisko, ale niezupełnie; ktoś już był w ogródku, już witał się z gąską
weighing only a little or less than average Hill considered Sam a lightweight, a real amateur inizia ad imparare
mierny, przeciętny (o kimś, o czymś), słabiak, przeciętniak, szarak (w jakiejś dziedzinie)
someone who is unable to drink much alcohol without being affected by it or made ill He's such a lightweight - two drinks and he's completely gone. inizia ad imparare
osoba ze słabą głową do alkoholu
a whole different/new ball game a completely different situation from how things were before We'd been climbing in Scotland, but the Himalayas were a whole new ball game inizia ad imparare
coś zupełnie nowego, zupełnie nowa sytuacja
If they're late, they'll be in a pickle! inizia ad imparare
być w tarapatach, być w opałach, wpaść jak śliwka w kompot Jeśli się spóźnią, będą w tarapatach!
to affect or impress someone in a very strong and favorable way inizia ad imparare
zdumieć kogoś, zachwycić kogoś
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search for and find a piece of information in a book or database I don't know what this word means. I will look it up in a dictionary. inizia ad imparare
znajdować coś, wyszukiwać coś (np. informacje w słowniku, komputerze), sprawdzać coś (np. w słowniku, internecie)
Our business is looking up. I see that your painting is looking up. inizia ad imparare
poprawiać się, wyglądać coraz lepiej (o sytuacji)
if something happens over time, it happens gradually during a long period You will forget about her over time. You'll get better over time inizia ad imparare
Zapomnisz o niej z czasem. Z czasem poczujesz się lepiej
What happened over time when we were in the bathroom? inizia ad imparare
Co stało się w trakcie, kiedy byliśmy w łazience?
to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do If you default on your loan, you'll lose everything inizia ad imparare
nie uiścić należności, nie uregulować płatności, nie wywiązać się, zalegać Jeśli będziesz zalegać ze spłatą pożyczki, stracisz wszystko
in default of something (formal) If something happens in default of something else, it happens because that other thing does not happen or proves to be impossible. In default of agreement the rent was to be determined by a surveyor inizia ad imparare
z braku czegoś (np. innych kandydatów)
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If you describe a sentence, idea, or system as convoluted, you mean that it is complicated and difficult to understand. Despite its length and convoluted plot, this is a rich and rewarding read inizia ad imparare
zawiły (np. styl, tłumaczenie, argumentacja
You use barring to indicate that the person, thing, or event that you are mentioning is an exception to your statement. Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed inizia ad imparare
chyba żeby zdarzył się jakiś wypadek
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She laid out the cards on the table and began to tell me about my future. inizia ad imparare
rozstawić coś, rozłożyć coś
The road branches, so which way should we go? inizia ad imparare
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pochlebstwo (używane w celu zyskania poparcia lub aprobaty)
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kusić, skusić, nęcić, znęcić, zwabić, przywabić
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On ma bardzo szorskie dłonie
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marnować, obniżać wartość
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przycinać, przystrzygać (np. żywopłot
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kontrola nad sytuacją, trzymanie za gardło
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Kids should be punished for sass by their parents. inizia ad imparare
Dzieciaki powinny zostać ukarane za pyskówke przez swoich rodziców.
rubbish; nonsense inizia ad imparare
cesspool, sink A cesspit is a hole or tank in the ground into which waste water and sewage flow. inizia ad imparare
szambo, kloaka (zbiornik przeznaczony do gromadzenia odchodów)
A fervent person has or shows strong feelings about something, and is very sincere and enthusiastic about it. I have got the fervent hope that matters will be settled promptly inizia ad imparare
The attainment of an aim is the achieving of it. Finalizing dissertation is their educational attainments inizia ad imparare
Comment that a character in a play makes to the audience, which the other characters are supposed not to be able to hear.--- remark, digression She rolls her eyes and mutters an aside to the camera, 'No wonder I'm stressed!' inizia ad imparare
dygresja, uwaga na marginesie, wtrącenie
Resultant means caused by the event just mentioned. At least a quarter of a million people have died in the fighting and the resultant famines inizia ad imparare
wynikowy, dziejący się na skutek czegoś (np. o obrażeniach)
any substance that produces fermentation in dough or batter, such as yeast, and causes it to rise His mood of deep pessimism cannot have been leavened by his mode of transport–a black cab inizia ad imparare
moderate, mitigate, alleviate He learns how to moderate his emotions inizia ad imparare
łagodzić, łagodzić, łagodzić
I'd like to smooth things over between my dad and I. inizia ad imparare
zmniejszać coś, łagodzić coś (np. trudności, dolegliwości, sytuację)
an upper financial limit 5000 dollars for a sofa is a cap of our expenses inizia ad imparare
granica, szczyt (np. wydatków) 5000 dolarów za sofę to szczyt naszych wydatków
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something that is given to a customer free-of-charge Let's offer our customers a freebee to win their affection inizia ad imparare
towar na koszt firmy, darmowy artykuł, gratis
To be consistently bothered by something is to be "dogged by" it He's dogged by misfortune. Misfortune dogged his trail. inizia ad imparare
być prześladowanym, dręczonym przez kogoś
very determined to continue doing something, or trying to do something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time: He is dogged in his pursuit of his dreams. inizia ad imparare
to successfully move around, through, or past something Vehicles negotiating the snow in dangerous conditions inizia ad imparare
pokonać (np. trudną trasę, trudny zakręt)
1. an area of land or water 2. a continuous period of time This stretch is destined for the office. We landed on an empty stretch. They haven't seen each other for a long stretch of time inizia ad imparare
obszar, powierzchnia / okres, czas Ten obszar jest przeznaczony na biuro
something that makes an activity or process happen or continue with more speed and energy Wind farm is a new impetus for transitioning to sustainable energy, reducing carbon emission inizia ad imparare
If you have a footing on a surface, you are standing on it firmly. Many find footing in his philosophy. I lost my footing and fell. inizia ad imparare
Wielu znajduje oparcie w jego filozofii
a police officer whose job is to discover who has committed a crime inizia ad imparare
unpleasant, dirty, or immoral inizia ad imparare
niechlujny, obskurny (o pomieszczeniu)
to avoid choosing one particular thing or action when it is not certain which is the right choice Journalists are hedging their bets on the likely outcome of the election. inizia ad imparare
zabezpieczać się na dwie strony, nie ryzykować
If you have someone in tow, you have them with you. Shopping can be very stressful with young children in tow. inizia ad imparare
speak volumes (about something) If something speaks volumes, it makes an opinion, characteristic, or situation very clear without the use of words: She said very little but her face spoke volumes. inizia ad imparare
it is enough to say: Suffice (it) to say, Mike won't be going to Tina's birthday party after what he said about her to her boss. inizia ad imparare
wystarczy powiedzieć, dość powiedzieć
natural ability to do something well He has a flair for languages. inizia ad imparare
wrodzony talent, smykałka
a line at the top of a newspaper or magazine article giving the writer's name inizia ad imparare
nazwisko autora pojawiające się przed tekstem artykułu
to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with new information: Recent research seems to corroborate his theory. inizia ad imparare
agreement between people to act together secretly or illegally in order to deceive or cheat someone It is thought that they worked in collusion with the terrorist network. inizia ad imparare
the place where something happens or the central area of interest in something being discussed: We require the precise locus of the facility inizia ad imparare
Confirmation bias is cherrypicking the facts to support an existing belief inizia ad imparare
Sth dangerous, especially a bomb, that is hidden inside somewhere that looks safe: The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps. inizia ad imparare
mina pułapkowa, bomba pułapka
to have just enough money or resources to survive, but not much more The single mother with two jobs is barely scraping by inizia ad imparare
ledwo wiązać koniec z końcem
a thing or a set of things considered very dear or valuable to one The library 's special collection is a treasure trove of rare books inizia ad imparare
skarbnica (wiedzy/informacji), cenny zbiór
a financial contribution or asset given to support specific purposes, like education or charitable activities His endowment helped me continue my studies. inizia ad imparare
natural abilities or qualities It's hard to live a life without any endowments. inizia ad imparare
przyrodzony dar, uzdolnienie Ciężko jest żyć bez żadnych uzdolnień
If something, especially a system or a machine, is up and running it is operating: Our website is now all up and running inizia ad imparare
działający, dobrze funkcjonujący (np. o urządzeniu)
make money on the side A qualified teacher, he moonlighted as a cabbie in the evenings to pay the rent. inizia ad imparare
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This institution, due to long-term neglect, is coming apart at the seams inizia ad imparare
źle się zapowiadać, być skazanym na klapę, zanosić się na fiasko
The mob robbed three banks simultaneously. inizia ad imparare
Gang okradł trzy banki w tym samym czasie.
accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive). the college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs inizia ad imparare
come before (something) in time. Bill Clinton preceded George Bush as the president of the US inizia ad imparare
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to się rozumie samo przez się
make the best of both worlds means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time. By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both worlds inizia ad imparare
sytuacja, w której można w tym samym czasie cieszyć się zaletami dwóch bardzo różnych rzeczy
with the best will in the world inizia ad imparare
nawet przy najlepszych chęciach
They ate in the dining room once in a blue moon. inizia ad imparare
Jadali w jadalni raz na ruski rok.
To feel under the weather to not feel well. I'm sorry it took so long, I am feeling under the weather today. inizia ad imparare
Przepraszam, że to zajęło tak długo, kiepsko się dziś czuję.
. ‘To add insult to injury inizia ad imparare
. „Dodajcie zniewagę do urazu
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest inizia ad imparare
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pracownik niższego szczebla
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niszczyć, niweczyć, przekreślić
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nie poddawaj się, trzymaj się
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blichtr, łańcuch choinkowy
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bez zapowiedzi, bez głębszego zastanowienia
To distill something said or written is to reduce it but keep the most important part The philosopher wanted to distil knowledge from those texts inizia ad imparare
destylować, wydobyć istotę czegoś