At the hairdressing salon - V kadeřnictví

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I would like to have a red one.
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Chtěl bych tu červenou.
How short would you like it?
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Jak byste to chtěla krátké?
Do you want it styled straight or wavy?
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Chcete to narovnat nebo navlnit?
You should brush your hair gently to avoid damaging it.
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Měla byste si vlasy česat jemně, abyste se vyhla jejich poškození.
We have cosmetology services as well.
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Poskytujeme i kosmetické služby.
Can I make an appointment for a haircut today?
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Mohla bych si domluvit termín na dnešek?
What do you want me to do to your hair today?
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Co byste si dnes přála, abych vám udělal s vlasy?
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