Asking and giving permission - Pedir e dar permissão

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Domanda Risposta
There's no problem.
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Não há problema.
Please feel free to do it.
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Por favor, sente-te livre para o fazer.
You couldn't do that.
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Não podes fazer isso.
Would it be all right if I walk the dog?
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Está tudo bem se eu passear o cão?
Can I sit here, please?
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Posso sentar-me aqui, por favor?
Is it okay if I use your pen?
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Há algum problema se usar a tua caneta?
Do you mind if I turn the lights off?
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Importas-te de apagar as luzes?
+13 schede
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"Everyday phrases in Portuguese"
(Un totale di 515 schede)

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