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I saw a fox run across the open field. inizia ad imparare
synonym: riverbank inizia ad imparare
Is Victoria Falls drying up? inizia ad imparare
The group has raised money to preserve over two million acres of woodland. inizia ad imparare
The birch leaves were delicately pale, almost lemon-colored. inizia ad imparare
shamrock: They wear the leaves of the shamrock in his honour. inizia ad imparare
koniczyna trójlistna
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In spring their window was lit from above by the yellow glow of a thick row of bright daffodils. inizia ad imparare
lily: Florists sell more lilies than any other flower for Easter. I love the smell of those yellow winter blooms - just like lily of the valley. inizia ad imparare
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He could see a handful of snowdrops in the little back garden. inizia ad imparare
A lot of what exists in these woods can not be seen from my red spruce. inizia ad imparare
They guided cars to the curving verges of grass, once mown close, now high and grown with thistles. inizia ad imparare
What's your favourite breed of dog/dog breed? inizia ad imparare
The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin. inizia ad imparare
a short, stiff hair, usually one of many:
This gives the cuckoo more time to find and watch a suitable nest. inizia ad imparare
plural: bison Even the United States government maintains a herd of about twelve thousand wild bison. inizia ad imparare
Research suggests there are fewer than 650 Iberian lynx left in the wild. inizia ad imparare
As a result, the magpie population dropped dramatically: in one village, from 259 birds to just 77. inizia ad imparare
The throat and lower part of the neck of this monitor lizard is mostly yellowish. inizia ad imparare
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They used to be as common as sparrows. inizia ad imparare
These storks are usually solitary nesters whose young, like those of Ibis, are dependent on their parents for food. inizia ad imparare
The birds hatched out the next afternoon. inizia ad imparare
The female bird incubates the eggs for about 16 days. inizia ad imparare
also noun: Peacocks use their beautiful tails to attract mates. Mating a horse with a donkey produces a mule. inizia ad imparare
to have sex and produce young, or to make animals do this: an animal's sexual partner:
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle. inizia ad imparare
also: gale-force wind; Meteorologists predicted gale-force winds. Hundreds of old trees were blown down in the gales. inizia ad imparare
The temperature is almost 80 degrees, and the humidity 35%. inizia ad imparare
showers of rain, hail and sleet inizia ad imparare
a short period of rain or snow:
The sky/weather was overcast. inizia ad imparare
It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse. inizia ad imparare
In the summer, it's sweltering in the smaller classrooms. inizia ad imparare
Two skiers were killed in the avalanche. inizia ad imparare
The 169,000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea. inizia ad imparare
the motion of the earth's tectonic plates (= sections of the planet's surface) inizia ad imparare
Then the tide turned, slowly at first, but consolidating into something close to a tidal wave. inizia ad imparare
Agriculture is still largely based on traditional methods in some countries. inizia ad imparare
give off (oxygen, heat, light) That tiny radiator doesn't give off much heat. inizia ad imparare
also: crude, crude oil: Diesel comes from crude oil, and it is less refined than gasoline. A petroleum engineer with 35 years of international experience. inizia ad imparare
a geothermal power station inizia ad imparare
also: power station Observers have pointed out that the Gabcikovo power plant could only be economically viable if a substantial amount of water is diverted. inizia ad imparare
Methane is one of the principal gases contributing to the greenhouse effect. inizia ad imparare
Russia has about half the world's coal reserves, 25% of its natural gas, and 18% of its gold. inizia ad imparare
There were two huge oil refineries on the coast. inizia ad imparare
They argued that the extraction of shale gas by fracking would cause huge environmental damage inizia ad imparare
Solar cell panel repays the electric power needed to manufacture it in its first few hours of operation. inizia ad imparare
He studied forestry at Colorado State University. inizia ad imparare
disapproving Our culture often seems extremely consumerist and self-centred. inizia ad imparare
konsumpcyjny, nastawiony na konsumpcję
A great number of trees were felled to provide space for grazing. inizia ad imparare
irreparable Unless the oil spill is contained, irreparable damage will be done to the coastline. inizia ad imparare
log - noun The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing. inizia ad imparare
The terms of the treaty bring our country under the king's control. inizia ad imparare
poddać coś czyjejś kontroli
Norway plans to become totally carbon-neutral by 2050. inizia ad imparare
niewydzielający nadmiarowego CO2
UK: cycle lane Where vehicles have to cross the cycle lane at junctions, priority should be given to cyclists. inizia ad imparare
The airline is planning to phase out the aircraft at the end of this year. inizia ad imparare
Most managers, politicians and bosses are men - how can women redress the balance (= make the situation fairer and more equal)? XD inizia ad imparare
wynagrodzić, przywrócić równowagę
Behind them all walked Bishop Corrada, who sat in the sanctuary, solemn and stone-faced, throughout the liturgy. Illegal immigrants found sanctuary in a local church./ a wildlife, bird sanctuary inizia ad imparare
also: most holy place in the temple
also: preserve, reservation: He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation. a nature/game/wildlife reserve inizia ad imparare
the autumn equinox, the vernal (= spring) equinox inizia ad imparare
flood tide - ebb tide inizia ad imparare
przypływ - odpływ
Meteorites striking land usually vaporize instantly. inizia ad imparare
The Orion Nebula is visible to the naked eye under dark skies. inizia ad imparare
the summer/winter solstice inizia ad imparare
ten miles from here as the crow flies inizia ad imparare
He looks big and dangerous, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. inizia ad imparare
look like something the cat brought/dragged in British informal I must look like something the cat dragged in. inizia ad imparare
to look very untidy and dirty
not enough room to swing a cat Many families are forced to live in tiny apartments with not enough room to swing a cat. inizia ad imparare
said about a place or space that is very small