Artur 29th Sept (40 min)

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Domanda English Risposta English
I have a ... headache.
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I have a terrible headache.
My tooth hurts.
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I have a toothache.
the organ inside the body where food goes when you eat it
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a stomach
My stomach hurts.
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I have a stomach ache.
Can you ... your surname?
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Can you spell your surname?
O is ... orange
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O is for orange
F is ... France
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F is for France
it makes my upset / angry
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it's annoying
I don't know how to ... this words?
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I don't know how to pronounce this words?
What's the ... of this word?
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What's the pronunciation of this word?
What does ... mean?
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What does it mean?
advice, criticism or information about how good or useful something or somebody’s work is
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I didn't understand everything but I got the...
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I didn't understand everything but I got the gist.

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